A new Russian strike left at least 3 dead and 13 injured on Wednesday June 14 in Odessa, southern Ukraine, Serhiï Bratchouk, spokesperson for the Odessa military administration, said on Telegram. It is a commercial warehouse of the port of the city which was mainly targeted. Three employees were killed after a Russian Kalibr cruise missile fell on the building. Several other employees were injured and “there could be people under the rubble,” added Serhiï Bratchouk. The attack destroyed 1,000 m2 of warehouses and caused a fire on 400 m2, he said.

Four missiles were launched from a ship in the Black Sea, he said. In addition to warehouse workers, six people were injured in other places in Odessa, where a business center, educational institution, residential complex, restaurants and shops were damaged, according to Serhiï Brachuk. According to the military administration, Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense shot down two of the missiles.

Moscow has intensified its nighttime attacks on Ukrainian cities in recent weeks, as kyiv launched a major counter-offensive in an attempt to reclaim territories occupied by Russian forces.

Odessa has been bombarded several times since the start of the invasion. On June 10, three people were killed near the city in a fire caused by falling debris from drones destroyed by Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense.