“It was an orgy of blood and death in the wire empire.”
The images of about 450 copies, most deer and hammers dejected and bloody exposed on the ground, perfectly aligned as trophies in numerous rows after holding a fence on the farm ‘Los Posterueras’ in Villaviciosa de Córdoba, has lit the controversy and, in
Many cases indignation, with respect to this hunting modality.
In addition, he has reopened the debate on the ethical limits of this greater hunting activity that was held last weekend and that he had legal authorization for his development, as confirmed by the Royal Spanish Federation Federation (Rfe).
Its president, Manuel Gallardo, although he qualifies that the commercial hunting that is carried out on private farms (as was this) does not correspond as an activity to his Federation, points out that “it is necessary for the overabundance of copies.”

The great whipwife featured some 70 hunters in a place of more than 3,200 hectares in full Sierra Morena, within perimetrally fenced terrain, where the Monterías are an authentic reference for hunters inside a stepdened terrain, with a large amount of Mount and
Defending pending, a privileged place, very quoted and focus of attraction for hunters, who usually pay significant amounts for their participation, on this occasion around 1,000 euros per pickake.
According to the portal ‘cordopolis’, the farm belonged to the construction company and now it would be held by the BBVA after a foreclosure, being on sale at the real estate portal.

“It’s day by day, it’s from most of the farms fenced in Sierra Morena, but also throughout Andalusia, with some 500,000 hectares fenced, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha or the Levante area,” says Joaquín Reina, coordinator of the area
of conservation of the nature of ecologists in action, which has tiled this last episode as a “blood and death orgy”.

For its part, the Spanish Hunting Federation defends that this activity was “legal” because it had all the permissions in order, but also “necessary” to maintain the balance of the environment “and” the control of the species “. Thus, Gallardo
Ensures that overexploitation has a very negative impact on livestock so “as many animals are abaten as they are necessary to maintain the environment,” he says. In this sense, he considers that the controversy should not focus on the number of examples left and underlines
That the exposure of the parts in the soil and ordered is due to the fulfillment of health regulations, such as waste management, veterinary control or the evisceration of channels and the use of meat for sale.

On the contrary, Ecologists in Action stresses that, under normal conditions, it would be impossible to kill so many animals in a single day of hunting in an open farm, as much to “300 copies between deer and wild boars”, except that they promely prior what
It is intended to hunt.
Hence, it considers that the developed facts in ‘the postpackers’ correspond to some land completely “surrounded by all their perimeter” and “where the only defense of the greater hunting species, the flight, is absolutely shrinking and conditioned by a barrier of
These are farms, privately owned, “managed from a productive approach, where the cinegetic fence is the indispensable infrastructure that allows this type of management, more of a livestock activity than a use of a renewable natural resource”.

For the President of the RFEC, the images may be “cruelome and impressive” but nuance that we have to look at “what exists behind them, in this case was very selective to have too many exemplary and therefore it was necessary to maintain a balance between the
own species and other animals with which he can act so that there is no disease transmission. ”
Gallardo emphasizes that hunting is essential for the conservation of species and also provides a social, cultural, environmental and economic resource, by generating “more than 6,500 million euros per year, especially from rural areas.”
In this sense, it brings that most of the hunted species have an exit to the market from the point of view of the sale of big game, especially in Europe, with a commercial balance that rises to about 400 million euros

Ecologists criticize the barrier effect caused by management fence is what allows owners to artificially increase the densities of wild wild, favoring the so-called ‘cinegetic bags’.
In addition, the existence of a management fence in a major hunting farm facilitates control in possible illegal introductions of cinegetic species;
Another incentive for cinegetic pro-fences: “Not only does it allow to artificially raise the census but the inclusion of species such as gamo, roe or mouflon and” for what a cinegetic request is needed than in most of the
Cases is not asked “, according to Queen,” and only discovered with the elance of the years by the environmental agents that ensure compliance with the regulations. ”

For environmentalists in action, the images of the hunting of Córdoba do not represent “an exceptional fact, is more, it is the General Tonic for decades with the approval of an environmental administration and delivered, before the enormous economic power that is agglutinated around.
The large owners of the main bounds of senior hunting in Spain “.

In addition, Queen explains that in many cases the females with semen of deer brought from Central-Europe countries, greater physically gifted, to get some specimens of more value when being more corpulent and with more horns, for which it is
Pay much more to shoot them.

On the other hand, this environmental association denounces that this type of hunting days in which hundreds of canned animals are killed, “revealed scarce and poor technical control, in this case, by the territorial delegation of sustainable development of the Board of

Ecologists consider that cinegetic activity has been shown in itself “as an unsustainable activity that is not able to guarantee through an orderly and responsible use, the conservation and good condition of wild species that are subject to use, contributing to
Take several of them to critical situations, such as red partridge “.

In this sense, Joaquín Reina affects the “numerous negative impacts that cause cinegetic fences in the natural environment, as the fragmentation of natural spaces conditioning the mobility and use of the territory to numerous species of wildlife, including the protected”.
He also supposes, in his opinion, an impact on vegetation, at the time of construction, and, later, as a consequence of excessive pressure on vegetation due to the high densities that are usually achieved in fenced farms

Finally, it highlights “the frequent collisions with the passage easements established by the current regulations. Numerous of channels and public roads remain cut by hundreds of kilometers of cinegetic fences that have turned territories as extensive as Sierra Morena, in an authentic
Swarm of obstacles, in the wire empire “.
For all this, Ecologists in Action has demanded the Ministry of Agriculture to withdraw the project for the National Strategy for Hunting Management – whose period for public consultation ended last day 2- “by defaults and criticism that for its writing
“Interest groups have been considered those linked to the cinegetic pressure groups”.
“We only have the public denunciation and social awareness,” they denounce.