Telecinco offered a new delivery of Montealto, return to the house on the night on Friday, February 4.
Rocío Carrasco visited several of the stays of the reconstruction that had been home to her.
Also, she explained in the program why she could not be with her brothers all the time she would have wanted.

The protagonist of the format had previously said: “I would have loved to have more brothers.”
These statements did not sit well with Gloria Camila Ortega, who expressed the discomfort of her in it is already eight.
The daughter of Pedro Carrasco and Rocío Jurado had the opportunity to respond and clarify her words.

“The theme of the brothers is absurd, when I say that I would have liked to have many brothers I am talking about a stage of my life in which I was a breeding, I’m talking about my mother’s marriage with my father. When Gloria Camila
And José Fernando arrive at my life, I am twenty-old, I have two children and for me the relationship is different, “he explained.

Carrasco highlighted: “What I wanted when I was little was to have brothers, be surrounded by children and play.”
Jorge Javier Vázquez commented that he understood the daughter of Ortega Cano: “She has an idyllic vision of what she is a brother.”
The EX of Antonio David Flores said: “Of course they are my brothers! My sister is Gloria Camila and my brother is José Fernando, that is clear, but it is true that she has an idealization … was nine years old when she left her
Mother. You can not ask for much more. ”

Juan Luis Galiacho pointed out: “I think you have maintained a distancing with your brothers forever … Maybe you would have to have lowered the tone and bringing you closer to them.”
She answered the collaborator: “You’re badly informed, when I had to be with those children I was, I’ve been a lot of time.”

Carlota sliding asked: “Do you consider that you have not failed them?”
She answered sharply: “I do not”.
She on several occasions she referred that she could not give more explanations about it, since it is issues she will address in her new documentary series for Mediaset.

Later he spoke about why he had not been very focused on his brothers after the death of Jurado dew: “The older sister had died, the mother and was living what she was living … I could not even with me”

Montealto, Return to the House showed on Friday, February 4, how was the living room, the dressing room and the master bedroom of Rocío Jurado.
The program will continue on Monday, February 7 at 10:00 p.m., with a new delivery in which the spectators will be able to see the reconstruction of the bathroom that the artist used.