A weekend has taken ahead we can take a page to the labor reform, saved in extremis thanks to the feedback of the deputy of PP Alberto Home.
This Monday, the purple have opened a new political framework with which to press the PSOE to “give a 180 degree turn” to the fiscal model and upload at almost 30,000 million the collection.
A challenge that, as you have warned this Monday, must be achieved only with the support of the investiture block.

A remodeling in which for the minority member of the coalition is essential to replace the equity tax for a rate at great fortunes, a measure with which they believe, it would be collected up to 10,000 million euros.
They also raise by increasing 10% corporation tax on electricity, and, with respect to IRPF, raise tax rates from 120,000 euros.

They also propose the creation of health tax (which would increase the collection by 800 million), imposition to empty housing (1,700 million), a digital rate (500 million) or a new green taxation (1,500 million), among other measures.
In total, as they calculate in United Can we, the package presented this Monday would be an increase in the public collection of 29,800 million euros per year.

The plan has been defended by the Ministers of Poso, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, who, together with the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez, have accompanied on Monday who was leader of the British Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn in an act under the
slogan Tax The Rich: Balance the fiscal balance.

The conversation between the purple leaders and Corbyn, who consider a “benchmark”, occurs at a key time: a week that we can defend in the Congress of the deputies a proposition of no law with which they will urge the rest of the rest of the deputies
Parliamentary groups to position themselves about these measures for future fiscal reform.

The goal is to put back against the ropes to the PSOE and make it pronounce itself on a matter that the dwellings consider fundamental at this time of the legislature.
In fact, the parallel proposal carried out by the United House has been seen by the government’s socialist wing as a new challenge from the minority member.

However, united we can understand that this is one of the commitments of the “crucial” Government Pact and that has to be fulfilled without variable geometries and through the support of its fundamental partners.
Despite the differences generated around labor reform through the citizens, this Monday ERC and Eh Bildu have had a wink with unidas, we can go through several of its leaders to the act on taxation.

An event that, again, has not counted on the presence of the Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, although less than a month ago he starred a meeting with the economist Thomas Piketty in which he assured that “there is no equality
Without taxes “and he outlined that taxation would be one of the axes of his new political project.

Díaz, who will finally participate in the campaign in Castilla y León through an act in the Vallisoletano de Castronuño municipality (800 inhabitants) and will not attend at the close of Friday, has chaired this Monday the social dialogue table that addresses the climb of salary
Minimum interprofessional.