The criticisms of Kiko Rivera’s statements to readings did not wait.
Telecinco, who had announced the appearance of it at the Reality ‘Secret Story: The House of the Secrets” a fully canceled the collaboration of Kiko Rivera in the program.
At the beginning of the gala, Carlos Sobera was limited to explaining the decision adopted by the Fuencarral Chain after the harsh affirmations of the Son of Isabel Pantoja.

Yesterday, in Sálvame Orange, the collaborators gave their version about the situation, and practically rejected the words of the DJ.
The closest of him, as Kiko Hernández defended him arguing that he is not right, and that the dispute with his mother has decentrated him.

Other collaborators, close to the Pantoja family, affirmed that nothing was known about their mother, but that Isa Pantoja, who was preparing some examinations, had not made any statement.

The daughter of Isabel Pantoja has waited until today to appear on the screen.
She has done it in Ana Rosa’s program and, very hurt, she has commented that “that barbarity” she has told her to hurt her: “She does not love me and she is considered superior to me.”
Again and again at the questions of Joaquín Prat, she has answered the same thing: ” My brother does not want me … ”

However, it seems that Kiko Rivera is repentant, as Kiko Hernández said in Sálvame: “The statements have had important consequences that would affect his person, his profession and future work,” said the Tertulian.

Today, Hernandez has argued that Kiko Rivera is overwhelmed because his mother’s debt of two million euros can become eight and does not want to leave his children that ballast.

The collaborator of ‘Sálvame’ believes that the son of Isabel Pantoja “regrets some of the comments he has made in that publication and will surely apologize for his sister. He is hallucinated everything that is happening.”

But the reality is that his sister has assured in the program of Ana Rosa who feels that her brother hates her.
” I do not understand where you can leave that hatred ”, she has confessed her.

Carmen Alcaide believes that Isa Pantoja has had to endure many despices in this family: ” It is very mature.
She is no longer the teenager who committed many failures to get attention. ”

For his part, Rafa Mora, an intimate friend of Kiko Rivera, has told him that he has seen him very affected: ” Latest events, such as rupture with universal and debt, have affected him. ”

Other collaborators insinuate that it is not right, which continues to have problems of addictions, as Lydia Lozano has remembered that the DJ confessed on the Calleja program.
Allegatados to the couple say that his relationship with his wife, Irene, does not go through his best.

However, in ‘Sálvame, orange’ ‘has been assured that Kiko Rivera has not yet apologized.

The daughter of Isabel Pantoja has counted that she had not spoken with her mother and in the program presented by Jorge Javier Vázquez have been able to see images, the oldest of 2013, in which Kiko Rivera attacks her sister.
Other videos have shown disqualifications from Kiko Rivera to her mother, her uncle and her cousin, Anabel Pantoja.

The mother’s relationship and son has never been easy.
In the Calleja program she was responsible for her addictions and the problem she still has today.

Journalist Nacho Gay believes that Kiko Rivera has opted for criticism for income.
It is the same opinion that Montero has: ” She has inherited the superb of her mother. ” José de Santiago points in the same direction.
For the part of it, Kiko Hernández has remembered that it’s the main source of income of her are the bowling and that with the pandemic she has not been able to do them.

With a greater or minor forcefulness, they all think, that this time, Kiko Rivera has passed all the red lines.