Not all companies that had to lower the blind in Spain by the crisis of the pandemic, have been able to rise again.
In fact, at the close of 2021, the country has 1,411,902 companies given high in social security, compared to 1,489,733 that had in February 2020 before the pandemic was strengfeked.

This assumes that there are 77,831 companies less than then, despite the fact that 2021 has ended with a net profit of 23,427 companies.

The arrival of ÓMICRON provoked a strong destruction of companies in March and April, 133,757 companies had to close in those first two months of confinement, but since that minimum they have been recovering little by little but without recovering the level of 2019, according to the
Published data on Wednesday by the Ministry of Social Security.

This classification includes all companies enrolled in social security, obtained from the quotation account file and grouping all accounts with the same tax identification number (NIF), as explained by the
Ministry in its methodological notes.

The destruction of companies has been especially serious in SMEs, while the firms of more than 100 employees have increased their templates and multiplied.

The greatest decrease has occurred in the micropymes of a single worker, since today there are 55,303 less than in February 2020 (10.2% less);
While the number of companies with between 2 and 5 workers has dropped by 3.1%, which implies the disappearance of 17,784.

They have also closed 3,985 SMEs from 6 to 50 workers (-1.2%) and 452 with between 51 and 100 (-2.2%).
Yes there has been an increase in companies between 101 and 500 workers – there are 37 more in the country, which implies a growth of 0.24% -.

It is striking that at the close of 2021, there are 120 new companies in Spain from more than 500 workers, which represents a growth of 5.1% in this segment.
This increase is driven by the creation of employment of companies that were in the upper part of the previous section (companies that had more than 450 employees and that only by hiring have happened to be located in this last rank).

This evolution leaves the productive tissue with Micropyme’s unamayorory (1.04 million companies between 1 and 5 workers), 328,417 SMEs between 6 and 50 employees;
20,441 of between 51 and 100 workers;
15,532 signatures with between 101 and 500 employees;
and 2,481 companies of more than 500 workers.

In addition to the loss that has occurred in the general regime, 463 companies that were registered in the Special Send regime have disappeared since February 2020 and a company of the General Coal Regime.