From the hand of Carlos Sobera today we will know who is the second eliminated program after the departure of Hector.

For now, we have two news:

The public saves Alatzne

Kiko Rivera is not going to enter the house of Guadalix, after the statements of one of the covers of a magazine of the heart, after having accused him of xenophobic affirmations and to attack his sister’s honor.

There will also be new unpublished nominations.
Everything to give maximum emotion to the contest.

Carmen accuses Elena to go victim, after she will cornered her when she opened a door.

Nagore: ” CAE Fatal Elena. ”

He says goodbye to his companions.
And the images between Elena and Carmen arguing are shown.

Adrián and Marta are also facing it.
Elena accuses Marta to tell her one thing and then tell another in her cube.
And Adrián tells him that she has been a furniture that has not been positioned for anything.

Its declarations are shown in the cube criticizing Adrián, Marta and Carmen.

And it comes down.
He tells Carmen that it is best to nominate with his heart.
” I get loving it.
It hurts me to look at me with compassion eyes.
When I entered my axis it was the briefcase, but now it has been displaced.
In the mud you can give a milk.
I’m afraid to lose it.
I know that she is going to go.
I do not even want that Rafa and Alatzne use it to mount a strategy.
I see her more innocent. ”

Add: ” The award here is being yourself.
I know many people do strategy, but I do not want to do that. ” He gets rid of tears.
” Carmen can win without a strategy.
She can fall in love with the rest as she has fallen in love with me. ” She keeps crying.

Al Leave the Elena cube and Laila comfort him.

She responds that she wants to remain friends.
” I do not want you to be illusted. ” Álvaro: ” I can not promise you to be fine.
I feel something for you and I’m still excited even if you tell me no. ” Alatzne in the cube says she does not believe Álvaro: ” I have it in quarantine. ”

Sobra affirms from the set that ” I am easy to convince but I think this guy. ”

”I dont believe it.
I’m very insecure.
I want it to leave Elena because I want to continue with Rafa. ” The duel is between Rafa and Elena.

We could think that Carmen is what he thinks about Rafa.
Jonathan: ” I’m an expert in threesome and as Bibiana says there is always one that is hurt. ”

Nagore: ” I do not trust Álvaro’s feelings. ”

Lydia Lozano: ” Carmen’s attitude seems fatal.
When someone is falling in love with you, do not you laugh with the third. ”

Álvaro’s uncle does not believe that Carmen is laughing at Álvaro’s feelings.

He decides to go to the cube so as not to hear what Rafa says.
And he decides to tell him the next day.
Álvaro believes that Carmen likes Rafa.
Rafa: ” He intuies him, he does not know it a hundred and certain.
And alatzne too.
” Rafa is chivally and Álvaro in the cube believes that he has to be brave “I owe him the respect he deserves.
I hope I can keep being the friend of him. ”

” Falling in love here is complicated because everyone finds out. ”

Sketch recognizes that Carmen’s phrase: ” It was the pillow in which I supported me, but nothing more. ”

Carmen is decoliated when Álvaro recognizes that he would prefer to leave him instead of her.
For the part of it Carmen she believes that she would pass him the same with respect to Rafa.

Now Carmen has realized that Álvaro likes it.
Rafa and she go to the cube to tell it.
“We imagined that she was Brenda. ” When she discovers that she is the mathematics student both laugh.
Carmen: ” I can go to my house. ”

The truth is that his attitude has been very inconsiderate with Álvaro.
Rafa should be expelled by these statements.

Carlos wants both to see the images during the opening of the door.

One of the contestants has almost 89%.
Another one has a little more than 11% and the last one has only 1%

Alatzne: ” Who comes out of the three goes through the big door. ”

Rafa: ” I think Elena leaves. ” Soverea asks Elena: ” I am worried about being the nominee.
There are always possibilities, what is she going to do it!
I think that if they saved Carmen to them they will also save them. ”

Carlos reminds them that there may be surprises, which is not all as clear as it seems.
Rafa knows that any possibility is possible.

Sobeña congratulates the team for having overcome the test.
But the next week arrives.
Zoe of the island of temptations and another five tiktokers will launch a challenge to some of the contestants.

Adrián: ” My parents taught me to invest my time and who does not. ” The comparisons with a saucepan have been tremendously hurt.
Cora defends Adrián and Rafa reminds them that he will not explode ” is my way of expressing me.
If I do not want to tell you what I think I do not tell you. ”

On the set does not understand the Rafa posture.
Lydia: ” I thought she was going to use her sense of her humor. ” Rollán: ” When you are missing about respect it is difficult for the sense of humor. ”

Rafa’s sister: ” I think Adrián and Brenga have mania to Rafa. ‘

For his part, Adrián’s sister gives her version

Bibiana concludes: ” Do not fall well at each other. ” Something that sovereigns reaffirms.

Both Nissy and Laila have achieved immunity this week.

The clashes are also seen in the house.
Alatzne does not believe Brenda stories.
” She has become the owner of the house. ”

Adrián For his part takes advantage of Laila, does not understand Nissy’s position that is crushing his sister.
She defends himself saying that her sister is influenced by hyenas.
” I’m disappointed ”, count the future teacher.

Lydia counts the B face of the story and feelings of Álvaro by Carmen.

Alatzne does not believe it and Carmen laughs, everything before his uncle’s watchful look.
Bibiana: ” People are no longer empathetic or with overweight people nor with which they are very thin.
The human race has lost the ability to empathize. ”

Carlos Sobera: ” Long live Los Gordos!
He has the right to fall in love with whoever he wants. ”

He is not aware that he is riding his statements.

Rollán does not understand that his friends are criticizing him.

It has been a news that Carlos Sobera has just announced.
The collaborators applaud.
The hard declarations of the DJ in a published magazine This morning has decided to suspend the visit of it.
Carlos is not going to talk more about the subject and focuses on what happened at home.

It is what Carlos Sobera advertises us.

Nagore who was the most nominated in ‘Big Brother’ believe that Elena will overcome him.
85% is for one of the contestants.
” I’ve been for many years, that’s why I’m the best collaborator. “Now bet on Alatzne, she has had a very cool week.

The rest of the companions of the house are turned with him.
They support you.

Carlos Sobera appears on set: ” A complicated night.
A very hard accusation to Carmen, a couple who can break and Álvaro with a broken heart What will happen?

It looks a very complex night, with many interest faced.
Rafa has been very aggressive during these days after the nomination of him …

Álvaro aware that Carmen may find out about his feelings has decided to tell him.
Carmen has opted to despise her condition and has confirmed that he can not be reciprocated.
For the part of it alatzne does not believe what Álvaro feels by Carmen and Rafa laughs at the swing jaw.
Tonight we will know what happens since Carmen and Álvaro will continue in the house, but we still do not know what will happen with Rafa.
He could be expelled, and after this lack of respect he should be he who leaves Guadalix tonight.

Elena seems to be the most vulnerable contestant in the house during the last hour.
Not only because it has been the first nomination of it that caught him from unexpected and the confrontation of her with Carmen, after the mathematics student, against prognosis, will save this second expulsion.

After knowing who comes out of the house, we will enter a new round of nominations.
Again, the rules and dynamics will be modified with the aim of breaking the strategies that have been launched during these days in the house of Guadalix.

Alatzne, Elena or Rafa are on the tightrope.
One of the three will leave the house of Guadalix and it will end the experience of it in ‘Secret Story 2’, the version of the anonymous contestants.