Although Yolanda Díaz pointed out that “the voice of the government” on the crisis of Ukraine “is that of Pedro Sánchez”, United Can not come to try to impose his criterion on Spain’s decisions about it.
Now, the purple cling to the 2030 agenda to press the socialist side of the government and urge that the executive “promotes” the withdrawal of all the troops deployed in the area and “avoid”, on the other hand, “the construction of a
Image of mutual enmity “of the European Union with Russia.

These are two of the main objectives of the 16 proposals that the Ministry of Social Rights has referred to the outdoor to promote an Agenda of Peace in Ukraine led by Spain.
A document, which this newspaper has had, with which we can seek the description of the militarization of the conflict through “dialogue” and “diplomacy”.

The document drafted by the Department led by IONE Belarra invites the Ministry of Foreign Ministry to lead and promote “a mutually agreed withdrawal of the troops mobilized during the last days within the framework of the escalation” of the conflict in Ukraine.
But not only asks the reduction of military tension, but also that it “calls to unfortunate the language used by the media, governments and parties involved in the conflict.”

It also proposes to the Executive from which “promote the review of the strategic concepts in relation to Russia, avoiding the construction of an image of mutual enmity”, and “encourage”, in the same way, “the application of the commemorative declaration of
Astana to a Safety Community of the OSCE by all the actors in conflict. ”

“The European Union will always be a neighbor of Russia, so it is necessary to build a common project of coexistence, rights and peaceful coexistence,” it is argued in the text.
For this reason, the purple pose the creation of “a European lecture of distension in the Eastern Neighborhood with the participation of all the actors of the region.”

Everything, justified within the framework of the Mandate of the 2030 Agenda for Peace, whose resolution signed Spain.
In it, the coalition government committed itself to “promote peaceful, fair and inclusive societies that are free of fear and violence,” more than evident for units can be bet on diplomatic mechanisms to manage tension escalation that is lived in
The area from early 2022.

In parallel, the Ministry of Social Rights raises, as part of a new model of international relations for peace, that the Ukrainian people have “full sovereignty” on “their future and their alliances”, but within the framework of a “non-aligned status
“That the purple proposes the government to promote as part of these guidelines.

In addition, Belarra projects that Spain should promote denuclearization, guarantee the ban on sale of weapons and reinforce the reception processes of asylum seekers.
She will also execute the UN resolutions relating to “the inclusion of the gender perspective and the participation of women in the resolution of conflicts and peace processes”, among other objectives.

In recent days, tensions between government partners had descended afterwards that from the United States we can reject the sending of troops and shallow the “military fury” of the socialist ministers.
However, only participation in an active military conflict would put the continuity of the dwellings against the Government coalition against the ropes, and the dialogue supported by the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, reduced the differences between both parties.

However, with the sending of this list of proposals, united we can mark their own profile and demarcate from the road map raised by the executive thanks to the powers that Belarra has in the framework of the peace proposals and the understanding between peoples
that collects the 2030 Agenda signed by the coalition government.

With this document, united we can seek that Spain goes a step further and abandon the process of dialogue and diplomacy as a solution to this conflict.
A responsibility that corresponds, as they repeat from within the match, to the country that raised not to war.