The Government Partners – ERC, EH Bildu and BNG – In addition to the CUP have launched an ultimatum to the Executive: o There is a commitment to drastically negotiate and modify the labor reform agreed with unions and entrepreneurs to the point of fulfilling the objective of no
Leave no trace of the standard approved by the PP, or will knock it on next week at Congress.
They only leave an open gap: that the Executive accepts and to process the Decree as a bill to proceed with its complete review in the parliamentary procedure, something that the executive has ruled out.

The four groups, which add a total of 21 votes in the Chamber, and at the moment the PNV has not added, demand a “complete transformation” of the labor market and that the government “complies with the word given to the workers
And point out: “If the government is willing to this, it will have a great majority in Congress, it depends on His will”.

The signatory forces demand the prevalence of the autonomous agreements on the state;
recover the previous administrative authorization for the ERTE;
measures to tackle precariousness and strictly limit salary decollars;
Recover compensation for dismissal 45 days per year worked;
Limit the possibility that the company geographically mobilizes employees and also established broad measures to facilitate the reconciliation of working and family life.

The possibilities for the convalesidation of the decree that collects labor reform in its current terms, that is, the agreed between government, employers and unions, are more on the tightrope than ever only a week that Congress has to pronounce
In a vote in which you only need more, you do not need to take it out but in which, today, the executive does not have the successful success.

Against the aspiration of the government, and especially the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, play the red lines that have established the different actors in Liza.

The usual government partners reject a reform that does not comply with the promised expectations of repealing of the regulations approved by the PP;
Entrepreneurs threaten to get rid of the pact if it is introduced in it the slightest modification and the same argues citizens, the only force of the opposition block willing to support the text if it does not suffer variations.

This crossed fire is added the Diaz itself that, to date, has rejected insufficient support, but endorsed at the end of the formation of arrazed Inés and even that of the moderate independence of the PDECAT.

Something has been served the effort of the Second Vice President for Pressure continues to be based on the unions to try to attract ERC, Eh Bildu, BNG or the CUP to its position.
And little has helped in this endeorn the proposal of the majority partner of the Government, the PSOE, insisting that no coma of the current text will be varied, nor will be negotiated consideration, nor will the processing of the decree be accepted at the end
to open a door to the introduction of amendments and changes in Congress.

Government and Diaz partners do agree on a point: Accepting citizens’ support would mean the rupture of the block that has argued the Executive parliamentarily.
And this would have important consequences for the stability of the legislature, in addition to making shreds the flag with which the second and leading vice president of the government’s purple faction intends to wrap up to launch the political platform of it.