Nothing would have been more Spanish than a EuroDrama in the first semifinal of the Benidorm Fest.
And for a long time the shadow of her came over the palace of the local sports when the vows of the jury left Tanxugueiras, the great favorites of the night, outside the end of Saturday.
The public had to arrive, first in the form of boos and then votes, to save the candidacy of the Galicians.

The five members of the Professional Jury understood that the disruptive scenic proposal of Sisters Sabela and Olaia Maneiro and Aida Tarrío with Terra, his song in Galician, did not deserve a gap between the first four finalists.
Only white scarves were missing from the public by knowing the result for this to be a football game instead of a musical gala.
The boos were in a more common reaction in Mestalla than in Benidorm.
So much that until Màxim Huerta had to intervene to request calm.

This was reaching as the points of the public, who recorded something more than 42,000 phone votes, rose to the tanxuguei marker that, finally, with 93 points were placed in second position.
Ahead, the great irruption appeared at night: Chanel and the 110 points for Slomo.
Absolute surprise of a song, in principle candidate to suffer to enter the final.
The Eleni Foureira effect seems to pull in Spain, we already have song for the summer.

To them two will be accompanied by the final white gala pigeon with water secret (79 points) and Varry Brava with Raffaela (74 points).
That prevents Moreno sugar from being the first to represent Spain twice in Eurovision.
Toñi and Encarna Salazar will have to continue sharing a presence, they have no other.
And they will not be unique, last classified after not convincing with an acting that the same brought some fireworks that were attempted to point a little diversity with a kiss between two men.
EN 2022.

Just diversity was what was in a gala who already with his first performance raised an anxious audience to recover the Benidorm Fest, 15 years after his last edition.
They were Varry Brava with his tribute to Raffaella Carrá Vega Version Low who got it.
As not to do it with those red costumes well recharged with feathers and sequins.

They did not want to stay behind the brown sugar in Outfit concept with a good tube skirt to the ground in the case of Toñi and a suit mixed with tail for Encarna.
Although the posture of him did not end up convincing voters, they put it full at the service of the public.

And the flamenco rhythm was passed to the stunning voice of Blanca Paloma, not either of that Andalusian touch, which made all those present with a scenery of the Lorquian universe.
If someone wants a soundtrack for a more blood wedding version, here it has it.

The more difficult it would be to fit into that universe the pirouettes, the fireworks or the kiss between Valen and Matt that were splashing UNIQUE’s performance.
So many things happened at that time on stage that one did not know where to look at and the public decided that it was best to look elsewhere.

Specifically to that of Tanxugueiras, which despite the initial disgust of the jury that the public present on the track noted, were widely supported by the spectators.
The defense of the Folklore “Without Fronteires” of the Galicians broke all the ones that may have in Spain and ended up placing them in the great end, where some hours before no one had doubted that they were going to be.
That Rigoberta Bandini trembles, the great favorite tomorrow, seen what was seen.

Whoever did not tremble was Chanel, converted into a kind of Eleni Foureira Patria, which as soon as he posted a foot on the stage was already willing for glory.
He finished by enduring the jury and the public, placing it in the heights of the ranking and putting on the Eurovish map a new powerful rival in the race towards Turin.
And with inspiration of childhood in Beyoncé, almost nothing.

And this only on a first day.
Tomorrow the second will come.
And the saturday?
We’ll see on Saturday.