After the walls of the imprisonment of a delegation of officials waiting with the gloves set and send in a row the prisoners who go down from the kanguro, a bus with metal compartments in which the inmates are moved from one jail to another
They go from one by one to a living room.
There you have to get naked and make squats to make sure you do not have contraband in the rectum.
Before they can put on their clothes again, he touches a cold water shower to “sanitize”.
Then, the prisoner can get back again and is driven to a cell with him.

This is the Welcome Committee received by the inmates who enter the jail of Strime from other prisons.
However, the protagonist of this story, José Manuel Prado Bugallo (best known as Sito Miñanco) is not a normal prisoner and, according to denunciation through the lawyer of Him Santiago Marín, he is subjected to a particularly hard and “humiliating

The one who was the best-known narco in Spain is already 66 years old but he entered the first time in jail for 28 years (in 1983) and currently fulfills a conviction for money laundering during which he is ranked as prisoner 2, a regime
Especially hard and described as “jail inside jail”.

In addition, Miñanco has recalted in herself on what is known in Argot as a module of men (an ironic name in the speaking Taleguera as opposed to the so-called modules of respect, usually calmer) in which the problems abound.

However, Miñanco received an unexpected gift one day before Christmas Eve: a car of the national audience that revoked the intervention of his communications.
Thus, “after more than 30 years of relationship with penitentiary institutions [entering and leaving jail] their calls, letters, talks in announcements and vis to vis with the family of him stopped being punctured,” explains Marín.
Intervening communications, as explained by penitentiary sources, is carried out according to Article 43.1 of the Penitentiary Regulation with the knowledge of the Penitentiary Surveillance Judges.

A contact with the exterior that (until the cessation of the telephone punctures) has only maintained with his family (mother, daughter and grandchildren) and with his girlfriend, a gaditana almost 30 years younger lover of animals, the fitness and the
Music that, after starting a sentimental relationship with the Galician, also ended up accustomed by a crime against public health (drug trafficking) and a crime of money laundering within the framework of the myth operation.

“Now, as is his desire, an more prisoner begins and to have the same rights as the rest of the people,” he explains his lawyer.

That shudder is being an uncomfortable Maco Miñanco is evident.
In an article published in the reason, sources of the center qualify the appearance of the Galician “Abandoned Total” and “Discouraged” with one aspect (long hair and abundant white beard and populated) reminiscent of Santa Claus.

However, sources close to Miñanco explain to Loc that this is because “the electric razor in its endeavor module is community” and “all prisoners use it, some with severe diseases, to shave different parts of the body as
The face, the armpits and the testicles “.
A fact that motivates that some inmates feel scruples and decide to choose not to arrange facial hair, as corroborated by the writer and YouTuber Roberto Cowbero-who strew himself in a Fix regime as a preventive prisoner – in his book stories of jail.

But interventions are not the only lament of Miñanco.
According to protest in a letter referred to the AN (which the court responded by eliminating the phone punctures) Sito “has a lower telephone call limit [2 a week] that of the internal communications intervened” and also protest because
You must notify in advance if you are going to use “a language other than Spanish, like the Galician” in your calls.

Likewise, the one of Cambados regrets having had problems with correspondence.
“He can only send up to two weekly letters, when the rest of the people does not have any limit,” praises the complaint, and adds that the letters he receives take “up to three weeks” to get there.

In the letter referred to the An ensures that he has been subjected to “Humilizating personal cache” and “indignant cell records, with his belongings are scattered on the ground.”
Some cacheos that would have included “the palpation of the genitals of him”.

Meanwhile, anxious to recover his freedom, Sito spends the time in his shack devouring the documentation of his judicial processes: the next judgment by the myth operation, in which he faces drug trafficking and bleaching charges.
A cause in which all defendants have obtained the provisional libertained.
However, Sito must remain in a secremous meeting another conviction for money laundering.