With only 9 years, Henry Thomas (50) made Steven Spielberg cry during hearing to get Elliot’s role in E.t.
The extraterrestrial (1982), the most grilling film of the history of cinema until that moment.
For the work of him he received $ 15,000.
Getting the planetary fame at a time when social networks were not even an embryo supposed a hard blow for this child prodigy raised as the only son of Texas farmers.

His childhood and adolescence were quite complicated.
Due to his shyness he remained locked at home so as not to suffer media harassment, he was thinking about how to fit with the rest of his friends, he did not find the necessary support in his parents who forced him to go to the local school where he suffered insults
, pushes and even put your head inside the toilet.

Throughout his career he has had to learn to deal with the sambenito of being that sweet child friend of an extraterrestrial.
He managed to work with Brad Pitt in Legends of Passion (1994) and Martin Scorsese hired him to star in Gangs of New York (2002), although gradually his film career went out until he finds the resurgence in the genre of terror with the ouija films:
The origin of evil (2016) The game of Gerald (2017) and in the series the curse of Hill House (2018) and the curse of Bly Manor (2020) in Netflix.
He also took luck with music when creating the Rock group The Blue Heelers.

After living for a time in Los Angeles – who writes these lines confessed in 2006 that he had a house in the residential neighborhood of the happy-abandoned the world of appearances and false friendships to find himself and enjoy his family.
In 2000 he married the actress Kelly Hill, but would divorce two years later;
In 2004 he did it with the interpreter Marie Zielcke, with whom he had to the first daughter of him, Hazel.
With the perspective of time, the interpreter assumes him for being something immature and had spent so much time away.

Three years later he would divorce again.
In 2009 he returned to pronounce the “yes, I want” with Annalee Ferry, with whom he has had two more children, Evelyn and Henry Thomas.
It is the most lasting relationship of him and, according to him, although there is no magic recipe, love must be continuously nurturing and learning to listen to the other party.
The actor enjoys the new life of him in the field where he rides on horseback, driving tractors, walks with his boots and cowboy hat and transmits the values for the preservation of nature to the stems of him.
Although he has not kneaded a great fortune since he began working in the industry, he has the dream of buying an old castle to be able to restore it.