Actress Carmen de la Maza has died on Friday at 81 years of age after a professional career linked to the theater and television, where he participated in formats such as ‘study 1’ or ‘novel’ and in the TVE series ‘room 508’
or ‘juncal’.

Born in 1940 in San Sebastián, the interpreter is the daughter the illustrious Guitarist Regino Sainz de la Maza and granddaughter of the writer Concha spina.
Families and admirers may be dismissed this Saturday from the actress whose remains will rest in the Tanatory of the M-30, as reported by the AISGE entity.

After studying dramatic art in Madrid, he began his career at the theater, participating in works as ‘Ladies first’, ‘Don Juan Tenorio’, ‘Tartufo’, ‘Mariana Pineda’ or ‘dinner for two’.
He reached great popularity after participating in the legendary ‘studio 1’ of TVE or in the dramatic space ‘novel’, also issued in the public chain in the 60’s decade.

In a television fiction, he was at the distribution of ‘room 508’, a series written and starring Adolfo Marsillach in 1966, and in ‘Juncal’ (1989), by Jaime de Armianán and in which he shared cast with Francisco Rabal, Rafael Álvarez
‘The Broker’ or Emma Penella, among other interpreters.
He also participated in other fictions as ‘Central Hospital’ or ‘El Comiser’, in Telecinco.

On the big screen, Carmen de la Maza intervened in tapes as’ song of youth ‘, starring Docío Dúrcal,’ Beyond the Garden ‘, directed by Pedro Olea, whose history is based on the novel by Antonio Gala, or in’
Baden-Baden ‘birds, from Mario Camus, among the most outstanding titles.