Telecinco renames its program ‘Sálvame Limón’, which is issued from Monday to Friday between four and five in the afternoon.
As of next Monday, January 17, it will be presented as ‘Lemon Tea’.

The great novelty of the program is that after a three-year paron, and after nine having worked on ‘Sálvame’, Terelu fields returns to the program.
She will accompany him from María Patiño.

This change of script is a new attempt at the Fuencarral Chain by recovering the format audience.
Fields and Patiño will be responsible for analyzing the most relevant news in the world of the heart, just as the Galician does in his weekend program ‘Socialité’.

Mediaset has made it publicly in a statement in which it is pointed out that both presenters represent “different styles and, sometimes, opposing. ” Terelu and Maria will share their views on the main information surrounding the most hot topics of the heart

On May 17, 2019, after nine years, Terelu Campos informed that he left ‘Sálvame’.
It was a decision he had meditated after in April he left the set crying through the criticism of his colleagues to his sister, Carmen Borrego.
The last words of him before getting up, taking off the microphone and leaving the set were “not everything worth”.
After a few weeks he had a meeting with the directors of the producer ‘the factory of the TV’, whom he communicated his decision to leave “forever”.

Despite his march of ‘Sálvame’, Terelu Campos has continued to have been linked to Mediaset as a collaborator of Spaces as ‘Viva La Vida’, ‘the debate of temptations’, and ‘Secret Story’.
She has also been a contestant of ‘La Last Supper’ and ‘Come to dinner with me: Gourmet Edition’.
During 2021 we were able to see it in Mask Singer (antenna 3).

After his passage through Masterchef Celebrity, Teresa’s daughter, seems to be resumed with new impetus his professional career.