On Thursday, the wife of actor Chris Noth was seen crying in her car in Los Angeles.

Tara Wilson, 39 was seen crying in her car. She was not wearing a wedding band.

Also, she was seen talking on the phone before heading to the local grocery store.

Noth, 67 has been fired by CBS’ The Equalizer. An ad for Peloton featured Noth pulled from circulation following the revelations late last year.

On December 17, two women, Zoe (now 40) and Lily (now 31), told the Hollywood Reporter that Noth had raped them.

Another accuser of Noth claimed that the actor had groped her while she was working at Da Marino, a Midtown Manhattan restaurant. At the time, she was only 18 and Noth was 55.

DailyMail.com photographers caught Wilson in her car on Thursday. Later, Wilson was seen wearing a black face mask and sunglasses while she called her phone. She then went into a grocery shop.

Noth was seen out in the evening on January 4, wearing a dark green winter hat and a black mask, while his hands were covered by his brown winter coat.

Wilson’s photos from Thursday were taken just weeks after allegations that her husband had sexually assaulted four women.

Pictured: Wilson wiping away tears after she cried in her car.

Wilson was seen driving in Los Angeles. She was seen crying in her car Thursday.

She was also seen in her car, weeping before she went into the grocery store.

You could also see her talking on the phone outside of your car, before you go into a grocery shop.

Wilson and Noth have been married almost 20 years. Noth admitted to having multiple affairs while he was dating Wilson.

Chris Noth denies sexual assault allegations, but admits to having ‘consensual encounters with’ two accusers

Noth, now 67 years old, stated that he had ‘consensual interactions’ with his accusers. However, he strongly denied any allegations that he assaulted them.

His statement stated that he was denying the accusations made against him by people he had met over a period of years or even decades ago.

“These stories could have been from 30 years ago, or 30 days ago — No always means no — this is a line that I did not cross. They were mutually agreed upon.

“It is difficult to not question the timing of these stories being out.” Although I don’t know the reason they’re surfacing now I do know that I didn’t assault these women.

Chris returned to New York with a letter and a package.

Although Noth denied the allegations of forcibly violating two women, he admitted to having had sexual encounters with Wilson during that time, insisting they were a ‘consensual’.

In 1995 court documents, Beverly Johnson, Noth’s ex-girlfriend and supermodel, filed claims against him. He claimed that he ‘beating’ her,’making death threats against her’, and threatening to disfigure the woman.

A fourth woman made allegations that Noth had forcibly groped them just before Christmas.

Lisa Gentile (54), claims that she was sexually abused by the actor in 2002, when she visited Da Marino’s restaurant, Manhattan. There she met Noth and they became friends.

She stated that Noth came up to her apartment one night because he claimed he wanted to check out her home. But once he was upstairs she said that he began to kiss her and forced her to his side.

She said that he then squeezed her breasts and then slipped his hands under her shirt.

“I kept pushing his hands down, but he was pushing mine upward…I was trying get him to stop,” she stated in a Thursday statement, claiming that he pulled her hand towards his penis.

Gentile claimed that she was finally able push him off. After which Gentile began calling Gentile a tease’, a ‘b , and an ‘a .

She said that Noth called her friend the next day and warned her about being blacklisted if she revealed what had happened.

Gloria Allred, her attorney, claims that Gentile was traumatized by the incident. She noted: “It had a very severe emotional impact on her.”

She said that he was always drunk at the restaurant, and pulled her onto his lap repeatedly while groping her. He also ‘pressed me onto his erection’.

The report stated that Noth had sex from behind with them while they were standing in front of a mirror. The first incident allegedly took place in 2004, while the second was reportedly in 2015. This occurred three years after Noth married Tara Wilson, whom he has two kids.

Both women also claim that Noth attacked them in their homes, the first in Los Angeles and the second in New York City. They were invited over by the actor.

Both women claim that the Sex and the City reboot and Just Like That has brought back painful memories of their encounters. Noth is a shock victim of Mr. Big’s sudden death in the premiere episode of the new series.

Noth, now 67 years old, made a statement to The Hollywood Reporter confirming that he had ‘consensual interactions’ with the women featured in the Hollywood Reporter story. However, he strongly denied any allegations that he assaulted them.

Gloria Allred, a renowned lawyer representing Gentile, is shown at right

Chris Noth, SATC’s star, is seen wearing his wedding band

Lisa Gentile claimed that Chris Noth, the Sex and the City actor, forced his way onto her back in 2002.

The statement states that “the accusations against me made years ago by individuals I have known for many decades are categorically false.”

“These stories could have been from 30 years ago, or 30 days ago — No always means no — this is a line that I did not cross. They were mutually agreed upon.

“It is difficult to not question the timing of these stories being out.” Although I don’t know the reason they’re surfacing now I do know that I didn’t assault these women.

Noth answered last week when a photographer asked him for more information on the matter. He simply stated that he believed his statement. My statement is out. I stand by it. I’ll let the chips fall where they may. My statement is all that I have to offer.

After Noth was suggested by the photographer that Noth is innocent until proven guilty, Noth replied, “Well, yes, but you know that that’s how it is.” He then stated that he hoped that he would be able to spend the holidays with his nine-year-old wife and their two sons.

Tara Wilson, Noth’s nine-year-old wife, was last seen outside Sherman Oaks’ family home, California, the week before Christmas. She had her wedding ring on.

Noth answered a photographer’s question last week and simply stated: “You have my statement correct? I have made my statement. I stand by it. I will now let the chips fall where they may.

Chris Noth’s friends are worried because he ‘feels like his whole life is over’

The smile and peace sign he displayed at the camera was followed by his departure.

One accuser, using the pseudonym Zoe, claimed that she met Noth in 2004 while working as an entry-level employee at a prominent firm where Noth and other celebrities had business.

She says that the actor, who was at the heights of his Sex and the City fame and was, according to Zoe’s then boss, seen as a “god” by her and her colleagues, began flirting in the office with her.

Noth was dating Wilson for three years at the time. They met at The Cutting Room in New York, where Wilson worked as a bartender.

Zoe claims that the actor started leaving flirty messages on her voicemail, which her boss alerted to.