Swiss justice has announced the research archive about the goods of King Juan Carlos in that country, including about 100 million dollars delivered by Saudi Arabia and that the monarch would have donated in turn to Corinna Larsen, according to the newspaper
Tribune de Gèneve and has been able to confirm the world.

The procedure opened by the Prosecutor Yves Bertosa went against Larsen, the alleged test-attendants of Don Juan Carlos, Dante Canonica and Arturo Fasana, and the Banco Mirabaud.
The prosecutor of the canton of Geneva has declared the file of the actions by not finding enough links between the donation received from Saudi Arabia and the works of the AVE to Mecca.

In a communiqué made public this Monday by Switzerland justice, it is explained that on August 6, 2018, the Public Ministry opened a criminal proceeding due to aggravated capital laundering after the publication of press articles in Spain in “those that were reported that the
Former King of Spain Juan Carlos I would have received illegal commissions within the framework of public contracts obtained by Spanish companies. It was said that these bribes had partially hidden in bank accounts in Switzerland, under the identity of several Testaferros. It was suspected that these commissions were
linked to the holding of a contract by Spanish companies for the construction of the high-speed train that connected Medina with Mecca “.

In the aforementioned document, the Helvette Prosecutor’s Office explains that the investigation carried out by Bertosa has not allowed “establishing a sufficient bond between the amount received from Saudi Arabia and the holding of contracts for the construction of the high-speed train”.
Bertosa gives by accredited that Don Juan Carlos received in August 2008 in the account of the Lucum Foundation, open at the Banco Mirabaud de Geneva, 100 million dollars from the Ministry of Finance of Saudi Arabia.
That money was transferred in June 2012 to an account in Bahamas owned by Corinna Larsen.
For these events, the Prosecutor’s Office of Geneva has sentenced Banco Mirabaud to pay a fine for breaching the rules against money laundering.

The procurator of the canton of Geneva thus has a folder to a diligence where the emeritus monarch was never investigated but in which there was relevant documentation about his fortune hidden to the Spanish Trew.

In fact, in recent months the Suiza Prosecutor’s Office has been the main ally of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court at the time of contributing financial information on Juan Carlos I through different rogatory commissions.

After knowing the decision of the Helvetic Prosecutor’s Office, Corinna Larsen has issued a statement where she argues that her “innocence was evident from the beginning and this episode has served to further harm my image in the context of the continuous collection of discredit against me by
Part of certain Spanish interests. Meanwhile, the offenders have not been investigated and have been given time to hide their activities. They remain unpunished. ”