Boris Johnson personally participated in Downing Street at a feast of questions and answers (“Quiz Party”) at Christmas of 2020, when London was at the “level 2” of restrictions against the Covid that expressly prohibited celebration of parties and the
Mix of people from different households in closed enclosures.

The tabloid The Daily Mirror has published the photos of the celebrated party supposedly on December 15, three days before the celebration in which his staff participated and that provoked the scandal that forced the resignation of his communication adviser Allegra Stratton.

According to The Mirror, Johnson read the questions in the company of two members of his staff (one of them with the Santa Claus hat) before four teams of six people.
Downing Street has reborn the accusations claiming that Johnson only participated “virtually” and is a short time space.

The revelations of The Daily Mirror put into every case Johnson himself in the Hurricane’s eye and leave him in a situation of total weakness before the British voters, which on Thursday can promote a severe blow to the conservative party in the Special Elections in North
Shropshire by the opening of Owen Paterson, which resigned by the corruption scandal.

57% of British believes that the “Premier” should resign, according to an opinion survey for The Observer.
Johnson’s popularity has reached the historical minimum (less 31) and the Labor Party of Keir Starmer goes and nine points ahead (41% to 32%).

“Boris Johnson is the worst possible leader at the worst possible time,” said Sunday Starmer, who did not hesitate to accuse the “Premier” of “having raped the law” for his attendance at the controversial party “while the British could not.
See your loved ones. ”
Starmer says that Johnson has proven to be “not suitable for charge” at a time when the country faces a new health crisis due to the propagation of the omicron variant of the Covid: “Who will follow the rules from
Now when the public’s confidence has been broken, in that way? ”

Johnson, very questioned since the feast of his collaborators was disseminated, confronts the rebellion of dozens of deputies “Tories” to the new Restrictions of Covid.
An indeterminate number of conservative deputies have remitted letters to the Parliamentary Committee 1922 asking for a contest by the Leadership of the Party similar to the one who propitiated the Fall of Theresa May in 2019.

A total of 50 cards, or 15% of the “Tories” deputies, would suffice to trigger the mechanism and promote what until now was considered “unthinkable”: the fall of Boris Johnson after consuming Brexit and at two and a half years of
come to power.
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Treasury Secretary Rushi Sunak are as favorites in a hypothetical succession career.

For the first time since the month of May, Boris Johnson has decided to raise the Covid alert at Level 3 to 4 (the maximum is 5) by increasing the cases of the omicron variant.
The “Premier” recorded a message to the nation on Sunday to announce a new impetus to the third dose of the vaccine that already reaches 33% of the population.
The intervention of it occurs in full political crisis.

“We are in an emergency for the battle against the new variant,” Johnson said in his brief television speech.
“Omicron cases are becoming duplicating every two or three days, and the two vaccines are not enough to guarantee protection (…) Hospitalizations in South Africa have doubled by this variant and in the United Kingdom we have already had the first
Hospital Income. It is a mistake to think it is a softer variant, that is why I recommend the British that the third dose are put and we will increase the efforts to reach those over 18 years before the end of the year. ”

The number of cases of the omicron variant exceeded 3,000, with 1,239 in the last 24 hours, of the total of 48,524 cases of Covid registered in the same period of time.
In an official statement, the British government warned that the first cases of patients with omicron have already occurred and it is possible “to increase rapidly”.
The scientists of the SAGE committee anticipated that the new variant can provoke up to 2,500 daily hospitalizations in January if new restrictions are not taken.

The British government will launch since Monday the so-called “Plan B” of the Covid, with the recommendation to “work from home”, the mandatory masks in cinemas and theaters and the passport Covid to enter into clubs and football stadiums.
The plan will be voted on Tuesday in Parliament and faces the opposition of more than 60 conservative deputies contrary to restrictions.
The Labor Party will nevertheless support the measures.

Despite the general skepticism for the scandal of the Covid parties in Downing Street, Boris Johnson plans to go even beyond the 18th of December with new restrictions that would affect pubs and restaurants.
The main minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has already anticipated severe restrictions during the Christmas parties in the territory of it before “the omicron tsunami”.