The Volcano de la Palma has reached this Saturday the 84-day duration of the longest eruption on the island Since there are records, that of Tehuya of 1585, to which it will go to 15.13 hours of this Sunday, because a phenomenon like this
It does not stop, but in a process of weeks.

In these almost three months of activity, the volcano still unnamed has left damage without comparison in the last century of Europe with volcanoes (the invoice amounts to more than 900 million euros for now, with 7,000 evacuees).
In passing, he has formed lava casts that would cover Melilla in full and has won both terrain and to house the state of the Vatican in it.

The scientific committee that follows the eruption does not publish one of the most illustrative figures of the dimension of the volcano, as is the volume of material issued so far (the last data corresponds to day 47 of activity: 120 million m3,
Three times the eruption of Teneguía de 1975).
But this eruption is not missing impressive magnitudes, these are some:

No one has lost life in the eruption of the palm by direct effect of the volcano, since the entire affected area has always been evacuated in advance, even at the most uncertain moment: in the hours that preceded the burst of the volcano at 15:13
The afternoon of Sunday, September 19 on cow’s head.

However, there is an accident under investigation: On Saturday, November 13, the lifeless body of a 72-year-old man who had entered the eve to the excluded area, with permission to clean ash a house in the neighborhood of Corazoncillo.
The autopsy was not conclusive.
It will be the complementary analyzes that determine if their death had a direct relationship with the volcano (for example, by an inhalation of gases) or indirect (by falling a roof withdrawing ash) or if, on the contrary, it was due to natural reasons
Alien to the emergency.

Maximum magnitude of earthquakes occurred in this crisis in the palm.
It was recorded at dawn on November 19.

Maximum intensity that have reached the earthquake in this volcanic crisis, on a scale that reaches XII.
An earthquake of intensity V is already cataloged as “strong”: not only is it greatly felt by the population, but at that level the damage to the scale appear.
Always mild: some crystal breakage or some fissure in coatings, of little importance.

It is the surface that has earned the sea, so far, the two lava delta formed on the Tazacorte coast.
Those two faradas are the youngest land in Spain.
In the largest, 44 hectares, the entire Vatican state would fit, which just has that surface, or 19 Basilicas of San Pedro (2.3 hectares).

Perimeter of the area covered by lava since September 19.
It is equivalent to almost the length of one of the great highways that Circunvalan Madrid: the M-40 (63.3 km)

Length of public roads covered by lava: 10.80 km from streets, 2.86 from LP-213, 2.55 LP-2132, 2.30 of LP-2 and 2,14 of Cruises
Urban, for citing the most affected.
Added everything, it is the distance from Zaragoza to Huesca.

Extension of culture affected by lava: 224.99 hectares of banana, 62.37 of vineyards and 27,33 of avocateros.
54.4% of damaged crops are in Tazacorte, 35.64% in the plains of Aridane and 9.96% in the passage.

Earthquakes record registered by the seismic networks of the island on the same day, on November 30.

It is the last figure published on workers directly affected by the volcano, whose companies have welcomed the modality of temporary records of employment regulation created expressly to attend the emergence that the palm lives.

Affected by the lava, according to the General Directorate of the Cadastre, of which 1,304 are homes, 179 rooms of agricultural use, 74 factories and industrialists, 40 business of leisure and hospitality, 15 schools, temples and spaces for public use.
The most harmful days of lava were September 20 and 29, when 159 and 151 properties were affected in just 24 hours, respectively.

Land covered by the different lava castings.
At that extension, another unaccise must be added to date: the areas that have not touched lava, but that are buried by the ash layer, in some places of several meters thick.

The area covered by lava only represents 1.69% of the area of the island (12 of its 708 km2), but houses one of the most fertile and productive agricultural vegas of Canarias, with numerous homes in scattered nuclei.
If that “slab” of three kilometers of three kilometers in some points was taken to other coordinates of the Spanish geography, it would almost completely roat the entire surface of Melilla (12.3 km2).

Above that figure is the number of neighbors evacuated since the eruption began.
Almost three months after the eruption begins, only 30 families have been able to return to their homes in two neighborhoods of Los Llanos, when the lava pouring that threatened that area was paralyzed paralyzed.

Accumulated since September 9.
Since this day started “the seismic swarm” (sequence of dozens of small earthquakes) that preceded the eruption, the palm has not stopped trembling, conference in which more than 300 earthquakes have been recorded.

Import of donations from companies and private citizens collected by the Cabildo of La Palma in favor of the victims.

Almost 907 million euros ascends the last assessment of the damage caused by the volcano that the Government of the Canary Islands has communicated to its Parliament.

* Sources: IGN, IGME, INVOLCÁN, Cabildo de la Palma and Government of the Canary Islands.