Eight out of ten children’s cookies “are not healthy” and have the “lowest possible” rating by the Nutriscore front labeling algorithm for its high sugar content, saturated fat, flours and additives.

This is revealed by a study by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) carried out within the framework of the healthy eating project for the small consumer and according to which 253 of the 305 children’s cookies analyzed have a value of Nutiscore, “the most
Low as possible “, given that, on average, one out of every three grams of these products are” directly sugars “and the rest, saturated fats, refined flours and additives, the association in a statement said on Tuesday.

Only 15 cookies have an assessment A or an B and it is “normally”, according to OCU, of the traditional Mary-free cookies without added sugars, but with sweeteners, which, lamented, “They are usually the least appetizing for children.”

For the organization, the “excess” of sugar is the “aspect that lasts” its nutritional assessment and, after insisting that, on average, one out of every grams of this type of cookies are directly sugar, he said that, those that
They exclude it, they are often replaced by polyalcohols, a type of sweeteners whose consumption can have laxative effects, more if possible in children, for their low body weight.

Next to this, he criticized that saturated fats can add another third of weight, and refined flours are joined, aromas and all kinds of additives.
In addition, the little fiber they have, 3%, is usually added, as well as possible minerals and vitamins, “unnecessary”, according to the organization, if a “varied and balanced” diet is followed.

In light of these results, the OCU warned that cookie consumption should be “occasional and small amount”, even in the case of those that have a nutritional assessment A or B, since it is “ultra-covered products with
A wide variety of additives “.

In his opinion, the “ideal” is “replacing them” by integral bread with olive oil, cheese, plant sinable cream or tomato and argued that even a piece of wholemeal bread with a couple of black chocolate ounces, with a minimum of 70
% cocoa, “It is healthier” and that natural fruit and fruits, without frying or salar, “could also be present.”