The overnight stays in hotel establishments rose 67.4% in the first ten months of the year compared to the same period of 2020, in a context marked by the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic over the tourism sector.

Only in October the overnight stays in Spanish hotels exceeded 23.8 million, which means multiplying by more than four (+ 365.6%) those carried out in the same month of 2020, the Institute has reported on Wednesday
National statistics (INE).

In response to the origin, overnight stays of travelers residing in Spain, which accounted for 39.9% of October, exceeded 9.5 million, while those of foreigners exceeded 14.3 million.

If the October data is compared this year with the same month of 2019, without pandemic, overnight stays in hotel establishments show a decrease of 21.4%, due exclusively to the decline of overnights performed by foreigners (-33.5%
), since those of Spaniards increase 8.4%, above, therefore, of the prepandemic levels.

The average stay increased in October 38.3% over the month of 2020, standing at 3 overnight overnights.

The annual rate of the hotel price index (IPH) stood at 20.3% in October, which is 35.3 points above the one registered in the same month of 2020, and 4.4 points more than that registered
last month.

During October, 13,574 hotel establishments were opened in Spain, 27.2% more than in the same month of 2020, which represents 74.4% of the total establishment directory in this month.

The Canary Islands, Baleares and Andalusia were the main destinations of the total number of travelers in Spain in October, with 21.2%, 16.5% and 16.0% of the total of overnight stays, respectively.
The main destinations of travelers residing in Spain were Andalusia, Catalonia and Comunitat Valenciana.

For its part, the main destination chosen by non-residents was Canary, with 30.3% of total overnight stays.
The following destinations for the non-residents were Balearic and Andalusia.

The Canary Islands presented the highest degree of occupation for places during October (67.6%).
Balearic is followed, with 56.1%.

In October, 52.7% of the seats offered, with an annual increase of 152.7% were covered.
The degree of occupation for places over the weekend rose 132.8% and stood at 58.7%.

By tourist areas, the island of Fuerteventura reached the highest degree of occupation for places (70.8%) and the Gipuzkoa coast achieved the greatest occupation on weekends (78.3%).
The island of Mallorca registered the largest number of overnight stays in October, with 3,192,289.

The tourist spots with more overnight stays were Madrid, Barcelona and San Bartolomé de Tirajana.
Adeje introduced the highest degree of occupation for places (76.1%) and the island of Formentera the greatest occupation on weekends (80%).

Travelers from Germany and the United Kingdom concentrated 24.3% and 21.4%, respectively, of total non-resident overnight stays in hotel establishments in October.

The overnight stays of the travelers from France, the Netherlands and Belgium (the following issuing markets) assumed 10.1%, 6.9% and 3.5% of the total, respectively.

The average daily turnover of the hotels for each occupied room (ADR) was 89.4 euros in October, which represents an increase of 38.9% over the same month of 2020.

For its part, the daily average income per room available (RevPar), which is conditioned by the registered occupation in hotel establishments, reached 53.4 euros, with a 228.3% rise.

By categories, the average billing was 203.6 euros for five-star hotels, 93.6 euros for those of four and 68.3 euros for those of three stars.
Revenue per room available for these same categories were 134.5, 60.8 and 40.6 euros, respectively.

The tourist point with greater ADR and higher RevPar was Marbella, with a medium daily turnover per occupied room of 172.2 euros and an income per room available from 122.4 euros.