PP and VOX have accused the Government of Bleaching, with its silence, Latin American dictatorships.
“We have no credibility,” says from PP, a group for which it is “shameful” than a former Socialist president, in reference to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who qualify as “father of the greatest austericide that has ever been in Spain
“It is dedicated to” whitening the most terrible dictatorships in Latin America with the silence of Sánchez and its partners. ”

The PP reproaches the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, who has not said yet anything in relation to Venezuela’s elections.
“An unpublished leadership exercise,” said Deputy Valentina Martínez Ferro, for which the Spanish ministry “expects to be others who pronounce first”.

The popular regrets that the external action to support the processes of democratization is “sending some, to Zapatero and, the others, a purse to observe the electoral farce of Nicolás Maduro”.
With this, they argue, what is achieved is that “nobody, never and under no circumstances ever trust in the Spaniards.”
And reproach the Executive who has vetoed the amendments to the budgets for 2022 that intended a “decided support of human rights defenders and democratization processes.”

For the PP it is surprising that the Government will approve public accounts with the support of Bildu, BNG, CUP and ERC, parties, say, “that work exclusively to hurt and destroy the image of Spain inside and abroad”
And they emphasize that the budgets are, in addition, “false knowing” and with those mimbres, they affirm, it is “impossible to move a serious image of the country as the fourth economy of the euro and medium international power.”

The disgust against state accounts that will be approved with the vows of nationalists and independence is also patent in citizens.
His spokeswoman for defense matters, Miguel Gutiérrez, has joined the voices that regret a pact with those who want to destroy Spain and have even claimed in their amendments to the PGE to delete the section dedicated to defense and armed forces.

“You can not have a foreign policy but you have a good internal policy.”
For the popular, the government of Sánchez has taken the image of Spain “at its worst moment”.
“We have no credibility and we are absent from the main European debates, even those who affect us the most, point out.
And Cytan, the Brexit in relation to Gibraltar and the European Immigration Policy.

In the PP, as an example of what they consider a chaotic and poorly directed strategy, they refer to the recent visit of by Pedro Sánchez to Turkey that has raised the complaint and the request for clarifications from the Greek Government and to which the holder of
Exteriors, José Manuel Albares, is arranged to travel soon to calm down the discomfort.

VOX also points to “lack of political direction” in the outdoor scope and accuses the executive that, with the new Secretary of State for Ibero-America, the Caribbean and Spanish in the world, what is done is to create a new “placement office
For some of your multiple clienteles. ”

“It is empty of content,” ensures, and therefore, Vox, suspicion that it is only “a negotiated in charge of the murky coalition government affairs on the other side of the Atlantic”.
And they list: “The Case DELCY, the financing of we can from Cuba and Venezuela; the payments to purse; the rescue of Plus Ultra; the flight attempt by Bolivian leaders through the Embassy in La Paz or the payments of the
Embassy of Ecuador to the environment of we can “.