Young people from Madrid are pessimistic about their future, especially when talking about access to housing and employment aid.
This is as follows from a survey conducted by Sigma two for the world, which concludes that 71.1% demand to public administrations greater commitment in their labor policies and 60.2% higher prioritization in terms of power
Rent or buy a house.

In both sections are the women who have more doubts about their evolution, surpassing the males in more than 13 points: 76.3% of the probes (for 63.8% of men) demand more attention in the field
Labor while 66% (compared to 52.2%) puts the focus on housing.

Less restlessness arouse issues such as the expansion of training (22.3%), the prevention of addictions (13.9%), the promotion of culture (7.8%) Oal sport (6.6%) or, in
Much lesser extent, the promotion of volunteers (1.2%).

The survey has been carried out to people between 18 and 30 years resident in Madrid.
In it, 60.2% is shown and think that, after the irruption of the Covid, its professional future has become “more complicated, with fewer opportunities and worse salaries”, by 31.9% that see this postpandemic scenario
Like “A good opportunity”.

In this aspect, it should be noted how women envision a more somber future than men, being 71.1% of negative consulted at the time of thinking that luck will smile when talking about their jobs in tomorrow, by a 44.9
% of males.

Likewise, this survey also reveals that 39.8% of young people consulted trust, when preparing for the future, in vocational training.
A percentage that doubles both those who support university degrees (19.3%) and those who bet on masters and specialized courses (18.1%).

In the section he has been a title “How do you see when you are adult?”
Most (51.8% of respondents) are clear to be working on an other hand.
They aspire to be officials less than half, 25.3%, while 19.9% ambitiona become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs, founding their own companies.
Residual is 3% of those who dream of being artists.
Surprise, in this last profession, that not a single man consulted has chosen the role of artist, leaving on his locker one of the two 0% of the whole survey.

The other is found in the question “How prepared you feel to adapt to the new technological environment professionally?”
In it, those from Madrid of between 18 and 24 years old answer with another 0% by feeling “very little prepared”.
Or what is the same, today’s young people are digital natives and feel more than fit at work and digital professions.

For this reason, the 61.4% probed admits to be between “very prepared” and “quite prepared”.
It does not look as strong in this matter by 27.1% that assumes to be “moderately prepared”, as well as 7.2% that is considered “little prepared”.

In another order of issues, in this survey there is also space for mental health and young people concerns about it.
In this way, 27.1% is anguished by the anxiety that generates the future and 26.5% through the ravages of depression.
They are also restless, although to a lesser extent, addiction problems (15.1%), issues related to physical self-esteem -bulimia, anorexia …- (14.5%) or problems of socialization (12%).

On social diversity and tolerance with minority collectives, such as LGBTI, immigrants or religious groups, 52.4% of respondents believe that young people are more tolerant than adults, by 20.5% who think fairly the opposite

Population: people from 18 to 30 years resident in Madrid.
Technique: Through the Sigma panel two by Trust Survey.
Mixed Telephone Methodology (CATI) / Online (CAWI) / RRSS.
Sample: 400 interviews.
Selection of the sample: In the telephone interview through random selection of home and appointment of sex and age quotas in the selection of the last unit.
In the case of the panel, proportional assignment for sex and age group has been applied.
The distribution of the sample has been proportional by autonomous community in both samples.
Error margin: ± 5% for a level of confidence of 95.5%, and in the case of variables with two categories equally distributed.
Date of field work: November 22 and 23, 2021. Realization: Sigma DOS.
Address: José Luis Red Gil.