Government dialogue with entrepreneurs and unions to agree on labor reform does not progress.
Twenty days after the Vice President of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, took the reins of the negotiations forcing Yolanda Díaz, responsible for work, to see his initiatives, the agreement that must become law on January 1 was stagnated.

The lack of progress for the agreement generates more and more tension between the Government and the entrepreneurs, a situation that replies that already exists in the negotiations to agree on structural reforms on the pension system, where Minister José Luis Escrivá has already given
Folding to the first part of the process with a warning: For the reforms of 2022, the discussion process with social agents will, “which tend to exhaust deadlines”.

Yesterday, the notice proceeded by Calviño, who yesterday warned that the approval of the proposal for labor reform by entrepreneurs “is not a condition in itself” for the arrival of European funds.
Although later he qualified that he works with “determination” to get the labor reform to have the guarantee of unions and businessmen, Cepyme and ATA, two of the main employers included in CEOE replied with irony clarification will allow them “calmer sleep”.

The crossover crossing occurred while Government, unions and companies met to negotiate an agreement on the necessary reforms in the Labor Framework, a meeting that ended “without progress”, as agreed upon to point out unions and employers.
The Government’s call focused on the topics to be discussed in training contracts and received as a response the request for a new proposal to be analyzed next week.

The delay in the initial agenda for the approval of these changes was warned by UGT and is already considerable.
From November 15 as a date to agree and process the reform, it has happened that there is no significant progress to the DECEMBER doors.
What happened yesterday with the training contracts goes parallel to the formulas raised to reduce temporary contracting, the main objective of the negotiations.

Last week the government withdrew the proposal to limit 15% of the templates the number of workers with temporary contracts and offered, already with the approval of Calviño, a table of limitations based on the size of the company.
According to the document with the proposal, companies of less than five workers could contract one as temporary;
To two if they have between 6 and 10 workers … and in the case of companies with more than 500 workers, 4% of the template.

“No, we have not advanced at all,” admit business sources, who consider that the proposal subtracts flexibility to business management.
“If internal flexibility in the company is minimal, the adjustments will continue to be produced externally and not by a reorganization of work, which is where we must go; if we guarantee it in that to the company, it will not seek other ways of flexibility as can
Be temporality. ”

Although Antonio Garamendi, President of CEOE, has repeated several times that they are different areas, that the first part of the pension reform has been completed with an increase in quotes without an alternative has enough to do with the discomfort in negotiating the
labour reform.
Entrepreneurs have come out with something more than a bad taste of their conversations with Escrivá.
The Social Security Manager raised on 3 November, a rate of contributions of 0.6% for a decade to finance the Pension Reserve Fund.
Twelve days later, the employers refused to sign an agreement that Escrivá did not move, ensuring that he did not receive any proposal on the part of the entrepreneurs.

The Government has resolved with the same contemplation the procedures in the Congress in order to fulfill its objective, but the employers have taken note by 2022, when it is to negotiate a second round of reforms that will include the detriment of contributions, for example.
Gerardo Cuerva, president of Cepyme, recognized yesterday that the relationship with social security is complicated “because the negotiations are” to the tragala “.

Both Cuerva and Lorenzo Amor, president of the Association of Autonomous Workers (ATA), put the accent on which the increase in contributions reveals that the government’s approach is “a lot more” to those who are “within the system” more than
Attack alternative ways to raise the income of the system, such as the submerged economy occur.

Love assured that there is currently a situation of “tremendous fiscal pressure”, which is joining a series of components such as the increase in light or fuels and components, “which make it not to tighten more because there is no more”
In his opinion he is opting for “a kick forward and greater pressure climbing the contributions” and there is another area at the Bureau of the Labor Reform that raises “greater rigidities to the labor market and trampadillas to hiring,” he warned at the end of an act
of celebration of the 40th anniversary of the business confederation of Navarra (CEN), in Pamplona.