A model of inhabitants by the adjusted population in which situations such as the dispersion and aging of the population are taken into account but that, at the same time, is based on the total inhabitants of the region.
In Finance and more specifically to his responsible, María Jesús Montero, this system is the one who likes the most, the one who considers it more fair and adequate to reform the autonomic financing system.
And it is, at the same time, the one that most resembles the ‘Via Valenciana’, which defends Ximo Puig, and to which the region of Murcia and also like Andalusia.

Sources of the Executive and the Ministry themselves confirm that this greater closeness to the intermediate model leads the Valencian Community than to which Madrid heads, which wants the total population criterion and also interests Catalonia, or that of the eight communities that is
They gathered in Santiago de Compostela and betting on the criteria that most favor Empty Spain.
This, add in the hacienda, do not want to say much less than already decided what the model will be.
The reform, add, must be negotiated and agreed by all parties, although that is going to slow down and make it greatly difficult for the process.

But even thus, the preference of Hacienda is undoubtedly very significant, and precisely why the movement of Puig to attract the President of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, was what he exercised from Chincheta in the chair of the regions of Spain
Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Aragon or Castilla-La Mancha saw in the movement of Valencian president a threat to the interests of him and reactivated his contacts to seek a common position with whom he exercised from counterweight and pressure to finance.

The leaders of Spain depopulated want the real cost to be prioritized in the provision of services, setting criteria to be evaluated as the surface, dispersion, low density, orography, low birth rate or aging and over-aging.

These regions, which include five socialists, two PP and one more ERC, believe that there is a new “short-term” mechanism, even that this matter could be resolved in 2022. They would like to be able to reach the next autonomous elections by receiving more
Money and being able to exhibit in investment improvements before their voters.

This Tuesday in the capital of Galicia one of the points under discussion until the end was if it was urged “as soon as possible” or not the Executive to define a work methodology that allows all administrations to provide their particular particularities and needs, establishing a calendar
for it.
Finally, that timing of temporary pressure was agreed: “as soon as possible”.
In addition to the need to finance basic services, in these communities there is concern about the strength of rural platforms, who want to be present in the next electoral cycle, and having resources would give political oxygen to advertise hirings, more health resources, infrastructures
… and try to stop these platforms like this.

But the calendar does not help precisely because it is the anteroom of a new electoral cycle.
Next year there will be elections in Andalusia and EN 2023 will be the autonomous.
Since the Government assume that although all regions receive more money “can not be content to everyone” and facing municipal and autonomous elections with some regions against generating uncertainties.
Without going any further, PSOE and united we can, that your budgets approve this week for 2022, give each time by more time that will be the last of the legislature because they see complicated by new ones in the anteroom of a few generals, scheduled for 2023 as well.