Less than eight hours after his election in Parliament, the new Swedish First Minister, Magdalena Andersson, had to resign this Wednesday after the failure of his budget and the withdrawal of his Government ecological allies.
“There is a constitutional practice according to which a coalition government resigns when a party leaves, I do not want to lead a government whose legitimacy is in question,” said the social democratic leader, adding that he hopes to be re-elected in a next vote, informs AFP.

The Swedish Parliament chose this Wednesday First Minister to the Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson to lead a minority government, integrated by the left and ecologists.
She replaced Stefan Löfven, who abandoned the position a few weeks ago.

Andersson, who had become the first woman in rule Sweden, received 117 votes in favor, 174 against and 57 abstentions, with which the condition established in the Swedish system was fulfilled to be a prime minister: not having the majority of the
Chamber against, fixed on 175 seats, reports EFE.
The social democratic leader had to face hours later another vote in the House on the upcoming budgets in which she had no guaranteed most, so it was speculated that this could force her to govern with right opposition.
However, after losing this second vote, Anderson has resigned.

Andersson’s election was assured after closing last night with the Socialist Left Party, which includes an improvement in the lowest pensions and that closed two weeks of negotiations since he received the commission to form a government.
Anderson has already committed for weeks the abstention of the centrist party, with which he has a pact since January 2019, although he risked that if he did too many concessions to the Socialists, he withdrew the support of him.

The centrist leader Annie Löof, maintained his commitment but reported that he was not going to support the government’s budgets and pointed out that it is a “consequence” that he has negotiated directly with the socialist left.

Until the general elections of 2018, all parties refused to actively collaborate with SD by its Xenophobic dye, which caused in this legislative a covenant of social democrats with two center forces that has allowed it to govern since then.
But both conservatives and democrats have modified their position and openly accept now to negotiate with the SD, although they ensure that they will not include this force in a hypothetical government out of the next legislative elections of September 2022.

The arrival to the power of Andersson was provoked by the unexpected resignation of his predecessor, Stefan Löfven, which announced in August unexpectedly that he would leave all his positions to facilitate the situation to his successor for the future.
Löfven, who headed an executive Rojiverde in a minority since 2014, had become the end of June in the first Chief of Swedish Government in Exercise to lose a motion of censorship, presented by the socialist left to stop a reform of the housing rental regime

The withdrawal of the project by the centrists, however, the way for Löfven could be elected by new minister a couple of weeks later.
Magdalena Andersson, 54, who is expected to present the new cabinet of it this Friday, is Minister of Finance since 2014 and one of the figures with the best image in the government.