Prince Harry’s life has not stopped being on the aim of the media from all over the world since he was a child.
The death of him, his mother, Princess Diana, and the subsequent rebellion of him in the years of adolescence and youth of him made him earn the representative of Prince Díncolo of the British Monarchy.
However, the years of maturity of Prince Charles of England have given him the opportunity to pronounce himself about his true feeling in his personal growth, embarrassing how complicated it was for him to live under the yoke of strict rules that
I imposed the British royal house.
This public opening has increased since Meghan Markle entered his life.

This way of seeing things has recently been corroborated by a person with a certain popularity in the institution’s circle.
This is Gavin Burrows, a private researcher who has assured that he was part of a “ruthless media culture” that “stole” Prince Harry of a normal life.
This revelation of Burrows has seen light in a documentary The Princes and the Press, produced by the BBC chain.
In it, the relations of Prince Harry and Guillermo with the media are analyzed in detail.

In this way, what in his day was played as an indomit and rebellious character attributed to Harry, today is described by this detective in a very different way: “He was part of a group of people who stole their normal years
of adolescence “.
Together with this clear Affirmation Gavin assured that the culture of the means of the time was absolutely “ruthless”.

Not only that, the interviewee confirmed that in his day, his guild companions and the press called Harry as “the new target”.

As for the methods to get information about the young prince and the little decorous way to do so, the private investigator revealed his way of proceeding, specifically during the follow-up he did Harry during his idyll with Chelsy Davy: “There was a lot pirateo
Of voice messages, there was a lot of surveillance work on your phones, in your communications. Chelsy boasted before her friends when she was going to see him. ”
In addition to seeking the trail of the ex-husband, Burrows also unveiled to have investigated the girl’s doctors and his possible sexually transmitted diseases as well as abortions.
After his shocking revelations, Burrows apologizes on the tape claiming to be “very repentant” and that he proceeded in this way because, in his day, he was a greedy man: “I liked cocaine and lived in a false state of greatness.”

In the same production, journalists and experts point the media pressure to which they have been subjected, both the members of the royal house and their partners: “When you are dating a member of the real family or think about marrying, the analysis
What supports is very big “.
A pressure that has finally come to light and by which Prince Harry himself has been forced to leave the institution to safeguard the integrity of his family.