Dostoievski Firator (Moscow, 1821-St. Petersburg, 1881) was one of the few Russian writers of his time he wrote to live, sharpening the serious theme with the same suspense who handles the television series today to move from one season to another
Now, Russia remembers the birth, 200 years ago, of a genius that he never wrote the memories of him but made with cuts of his life a monumental fiction.
The portrait of it is completed with the book Dostoyevsky in Love (dostoevski in love), from the Briton Alex Christofi, who enters the life of a man for whom love was dramatic and sometimes comic.

Although the image we have of Dostoevski is that of the bearded genius, the hair did not grow seriously until age 40.
Almost all the bad happened before: the death of his mother in adolescence and that of his father being a young student who had turned his back on him.
Afterwards, he went through a simulated execution in the St. Peter’s Fortress and St. Paul of St. Petersburg for conspiring against the government.
Following four years of forced labor in Siberia.
Dostoevski went into thirty as a convict ever corresponded in love.

The second centenary of the death of Dostoievski Fivero has echoed in the Spanish bookstores.
To begin with, on the pages of the dostoievski biography, from Romanian Virgil Tanase (subsoil editions) that seeks a logic in the erratic behavior of the Russian writer.

Whoever wants to go further, can investigate at the original source: diary of a writer.
Chronicles, articles, criticism and notes gather the work of nonfiction that Dostievski published monthly in a magazine so called, from 1873 to his death in 1881. On its pages, now edited by pages of foam and translation by Eugenia Bulatova, Elisa de Beaumont
And Liudmila Rabdanó, you can identify the thought and look of Dostoevsky to her world and her literature.

Another novelty
ugly story
and translated by
), a
short novel
by Dostoyevsky
written after
a trip to
and idealistic.

In that exile in Omsk, without books or family, the writer froze to the weather and pushed the cockroaches from the cauliflower soup like anyone.
He had nothing else to grab him more than a Bible (who had given him the woman of an expensive) and the candida idea that “man is by definition a creature that can be accustomed to everything.”
It was only by returning from that hell in 1854 when he fell in love.

Fyodor Mikhailovich
had rejoined
the army
as a soldier
of the second part
of his sentence.
For five
years he
part of
the Seventh
at the fortress
in Kazakhstan.
There he
began a relationship with
Maria Dmitrievna
a married woman.
When she died
drunk and
she refused

by not having
Her after
she left
with an even
And in
the end
she accepted
an unhappy marriage
from the beginning,
a seizure
the wedding night

at that time
were so severe
that when
he was writing
returned from
a crisis
without remembering
plot of the novel
nor the names
of his characters.

but he
also changed his
of life itself
was diagnosed
when he was 30
and said
he could die
at any time
, “recalls
from London
That threat
, in addition to
of the simulated
made him very
aware of
how precious
life is.
It also helps explain
why he
feverish pace
… although
has more to
do with the

The tormal romance in the unpredictable life of Dostoievsky was the one who found a Femme Fatale University on his return from exile.
In those days, in St. Petersburg, calls to sedition were frequent.
For rebellious students, the writer was in a species of hero, an artist depressed by the tsarism.
He soon remained close to Bella Polina Suslova, a 21-year-old admirer, who published protofemnist stories.
They decided to meet in Paris, far from what Dostoevski called “my domestic circumstances”, in reference to the unhappy marriage of it.

He came to Paris late and ruined after stopping at all the casinos he found along the way.
Polina did not want to see him anymore.
She had fallen in love with a Spaniard, named Salvador, that after a brief romance turned her back.
She told him through a friend that he was with typhoid fevers.
Actually, he was with another woman.
This was checked by Polina when she, the next day, she saw so fresh on the Sorbonne street.

Polina returned to the Dostoevsky room screaming that she wanted to kill the Spanish mourning.
The writer then thought what he is always: “That this painful experience would be a fantastic material for a story,” Narra Christofi.
Since the Siberian years, telling stories was the protective skin that helped him “keep the distance between him and the cruelty of the world.”
Once the creditors sent home to the police, the author ended up chatting with the agents to take useful literary information.

Dostoevski proposed Polina escape to Italy.
No longer as lovers, but as brothers.
Polina was still rabidly with the Spanish seducer: “Okay, I do not want to kill it, but I would like to torture it a while.”
On the way to Italy, Dostoyevsky lose again a capital in the casinos and Polina insisted on her ring.
She’s relationship became confused: she undressed before him and then sent him to sleep at the adjoining room.
Often, she ridiculed him in public and, then, the writer was still launched with more anger to the casino.
Freud concluded, years after playing Roulette was his masturbation replacement.

They were the debts that led Dostoevski to true love.
In 1866 he signed a contract with his publisher that he expected for him a salary of three thousand rubles that would go into the hands of his creditors in exchange for the rights of edition of all his works, and the commitment to deliver a new novel that year.
If not, he would lose all the patrimonial rights over the works of him.
Dostoevsky then hired Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, a twenty-day tachyman whom he dictated the player in 26 days.

Dostoevski married Anna on February 15, 1867. To declare he pretended to consult an argument for a story: an old writer who is in love with a young girl.
Anna caught the hint and said that it would undoubtedly love him.
“They formed a family together, she helped him pay the debts and she was a kind of commercial manager,” says Christofi.

The book that joined them, the player, was a crossroads in the life of Dostoevsky: he was conceived while his first wife, Maria, agonized;
One of the protagonists, Polina, is inspired by her lover;
And the second woman of him, Anna Grigorievna, the love of his life, transcribed it.
They say that when they said goodbye at the station, Dostoevsky from the other side of the window put a hand in the heart and on the other he marked with his fingers the days he was going to be far away.
It was the tender gesture of a sad man, fighter, from an imposing voice, who went from Revolutionary to Conservative but who always believed that “beauty will save the world.”