The United States will reopen tomorrow its land and air borders to international passengers vaccinated with the full guideline against the COVID-19, with which it puts an end to the closing in force decreed in March 2020.

Thus concludes the long wait from regions such as Europe, which awaited visibly annoying a reciprocal measure by Washington since the European Union (EU) opened its doors to Americans vaccinated at the beginning of summer.

These travel restrictions, initially applied by the Donald Trump president (2017-2021), were maintained by the current president, Joe Biden, who arrived at the White House last January.

Starting tomorrow, the White House reported, foreigners who want to enter the United States for visits considered non-essential, such as tourism or most family encounters, they can do so both by air and the terrestrial border of Mexico and

International travelers will also be able to be vaccinated and flying from the countries up to now to travel restrictions by the pandemic, a list that included the 26 European States of Space Schengen, in addition to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, China,
Iran, South Africa and India.

The Department of National Security (DHS, in English) has been warned as it foresees that before “the highest volume of travelers, the waiting times in the customs extend” so it recommends having hand-drawn documents and showing “patience”
, as indicated in a reported statement last week.

The opening of borders occurs shortly after the United States reached 70% of its fully vaccinated adult population, is already administering reinforcement doses over 65 years, and has begun this week the vaccination of the children of between
5 and 11 years old.

The United States will accept all vaccines that have been authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO), including AstraZeneca.

The US Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC, in English) consider that a person is “fully vaccinated” if they have spent 14 days since it received a one-dose vaccine accepted or since it received the second of a vaccine from
Two doses.

For now, WHO has not authorized some of the vaccines that are being administered in Latin America, such as Russian Sputnik V and Cansino China.

The CDC considers that a person is fully vaccinated 14 days after he has received two doses of any “mixed” combination of vaccines accepted against the COVID-19, administered with at least 17 pause days.

In addition to the obligation of the vaccine, international passengers must present a negative test of Covid (PCR or antigens) performed three days before the trip to the United States.

Fully vaccinated international travelers should not fulfill quarantine once they arrive at American territory, but they should provide contact details to facilitate trace in the case of contagion.

In the case of Americans, they will be able to enter the country without a vaccine, but they must have the negative test of a test performed one day before the trip to the United States, and must be subjected to another after returning to the country.

Children between 2 and 17 years will not be required to be vaccinated to enter the US, but they must comply with the condition of presenting a negative test of Covid-19 performed three days of the trip.

Children under 2 years, meanwhile, are exempt from both vaccine and testing.