This Sunday, at 9:25 pm, it returns a new delivery of the program saved in the sixth.
On this occasion, the Gonzo presenter interviewed the Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg in a few days in which world news has been marked by the Glasgow climate summit or COP26.

“When I asked questions that do not have to do with climate change, I was surprised,” said Gonzo in his participation in the ZAPEANE program.
“She leaves that image of an angry person who only knows how to talk about a theme, she is a pretty smiling aunt and asked her questions as she has a surprising sense of humor,” added the Galician presenter.

As for Thunberg’s demands to make his first interview with a medium in Spain, the young Swedish only asked for two things: “Do not have an interpreter, not even simultaneous translation, the interview was made in English,” Gonzo said. “And
The second was that the recording was made in a house and close to his. I did not want to be in a public place. In fact, it came by bicycle alone without anyone from his team or family, “he added.

Greta Thunberg, 18, represents a symbol of the fight against climate change since he began his first public protests in 2017. Two years ago he was appointed person of the year by Time magazine, news that he coincidentally met while in Spain
Eating at a service station.

Diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, an autistic disorder, considers that this disease makes it “different” and provides a “superpower” to mark goals and actions that can change their lives and that of their environment.
Thus, awareness for the defense of climate change to Thunberg came after seeing some documentaries at the school.
“She is a Swedish that bores more Ikea than one afternoon with politicians,” adds Bonzo.

Greta Thunberg participated this week for the first time at COP26 where he also maintained a meeting with the Secretary General of the UN António Guterres.
In the previous day, she also encountered the main minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, but she has not yet met with representatives of the UK government, hosts of the event.

“Within the COP there are politicians and people in the power to pretend to take our future seriously,” replied the Swedish activist.
“We all tell you:” no more blah, blah, blah, no more exploitation of nature, people and planet, “Thunberg added.

During these days, the young activist, who donates all his awards to NGOs against climate change, was also added to a group of protesters at Festival Park and sang without tapujos “You can get the climatic crisis in the ass” (“You can Shove
Your Climate Crisis Up Your Arse “) In a very direct message to world leaders.