Neither joy is safe in the Afghanistan of the Taliban.
An investigation remains open to clarify the circumstances in which, according to witnesses, and confirm the authorities, a group of individuals identifying as Taliban broke into a wedding to demand the end of music.
It occurred on Saturday.
Although the authorities of the Islamic Emirate are disconnected from the authors, the event lets the problems that the new extremist rulers have to control their hosts.

“The last night, at the wedding of Hani Malang Jan in the town of Shamspur Mar Ghundi of Nangarhar, three people who identified themselves as Taliban entered the facilities and demanded to stop music,” the Taliban government spokesman explained in a statement.
, Zabihullah Mujahid.
“As a result of the shooting, at least three people have died and some others have been injured. Two suspects have been arrested by the Taliban in connection with the incident and another is in search”.

According to various stories of La Matanza, published by Afghan journalists, the celebration counted on the mandatory permission of the authorities.
It was a segregated ceremony, with different dependencies for women and men.
However, combatants at the service of the Taliban, stationed at a base of the town, allegedly approached the wedding to demand the closure of music.
They opened fire in the area reserved for males, killing three of them.

“The trapped incident perpetrators, who have used the name of the Islamic Emirate to carry out their personal FEUDOS, have been made available to the Shary Act,” the Taliban ensure in his statement.
It was an attempt more to show an official relief, separating themselves from common criminality.
It is difficult to delimit a border between them after trusting its expansion all over Afghanistan to the opening of prisons to free prisoners, many of them then enlisted into their ranks.

Since the Taliban took power two months ago, their draconian law establishment, such as those that severely limit women’s access to education, has alternated with news about assassinations of former government officials or for forces employees
Although the lack of verification of many of them does not allow to draw an exact map of horror, the multiple allegations of persecution and threats account for a critical situation for many Afghans.

However, and despite the precedents of his previous government, he did banned music, this time the Taliban have not proclaimed such a rule for the time being.
“In the ranks of the Islamic Emirate nobody has the right to get away from the music or anything, just try to persuade them. That is the main way,” Mujahid had insured in a previous appearance.
“If someone kills someone for himself, even if he belongs to our staff, that is a crime, we will take it before the courts.”

Since his arrival in power, the erase of women has been extreme, street executions have been recovered and harassment has begun to drug-dependent, with severe methods to end their addiction.
All of them signs of an Islamic Emirate that tries to maintain the difficult balance of maintaining control of the country under its rules and obtaining international recognition that can help you solve its serious financial problems.
Humanitarian aid is urgent.

Do not play in favor of your plans the prevailing confusion around your methods and the authorities that apply them.
As the most important face of him continues without giving his face.
This Sunday, Taliban fonts assured that Haibatullah Akhundado, who holds the position of the Supreme Leader of the Taliban, had emerged from the secretive life of him, going to a mosque of the city of Kandahar.
Supposedly it was the first appearance of him from the Taliban ascent, but there are no photos of the appointment.