The parents of Álex Martínez, the nine-year-old boy who appeared dead on Thursday in Lardero, took his son every Saturday to the Coffee Academy The Teatro Room Black.
It is on Lardero Street, 35. «It is the first Saturday that does not come.
We have decided to suspend all activities this weekend as a mourning sign, “says Alejandro, the school manager.
He knew the parents well.
«We have exchanged some messages by whatsapp.
They are desolate.
In addition to sadness, we are all very angry ».

The possible negligence of the Civil Guard in the prevention of the event occupies the conversations.
In Logroño it is rare not to be touched with someone who does not have an opinion about the work of the agents and the functioning of justice.
Alejandro reminds Alex from “very small”.
He enrolled “at three years old.
He was very integrated.
He liked to act.
The family participated in anything.
He was a very special child. ”

Asier, his six-year-old brother, went unnoticed.
“He who stood out was Álex,” they add from the concerted Center Sacred Heart in which he was enrolled.
Students and teachers concentrated on Friday in the courtyard of “the Jesuits”, as is known to school.
“He was an active child.
He had charisma.
He was the typical profile that stands out.
Of the brother of him, you did not stay much.
The family is a humble family, very dear. ”
The parents did not meet with the director, Héctor Olarte.
“A spokesman did.”
José Manuel Peco, VicePuperior of the Society of Jesus, prefers not to answer any questions.

In the neighborhood of Yagüe, 40 minutes from school, Pedro, maternal grandfather, is a regular customer of the Nebraska café.
“In recent times he has had health problems.
He gave him several strokes.
He passed Friday with psychologists.
He went through a moment for a moment to drink coffee.
He greeted us.
He could not hold and became home, “he says a parishioner.

A man walks the dog near Orense Street.
In one of the dozens of single-family houses lived since “20 years” Pedro and the woman of him.
“I met the child well.
He was always grabbed from his grandparents.
He spent a lot of time with them.
The grandchildren lived a lot with the grandparents, “says this neighbor.
Another woman does upside down before climbing a gray sedan: “We are not going to say anything.”

Of the Jesuits to Huesca Street there are 400 meters.
Just five minutes on foot separate the portal in which Rosa and Sara live, as can be read in the mailbox, from the door of the school to which I was Álex.
They are the sister and aunt of the murderer of the real estate, of the condemned by a sexual assault on a girl, the main suspect of Lardero’s crime, in short, by Francisco Javier Almeida.
All in the neighborhood intuit the question.

“They live there,” someone says.
I have not told you anything.

An old woman comes out.
“Of course I know the family.
They have lived here always, like us.
They have not seen Francisco Javier for a long time.
The aunt does not want to know anything about him. ”
He murdered the 26-year-old woman on Vélez de Guevara Street, a perpendicular.
“The family is normal.
We have never had any problems ».

In the third coexist Rosa and Sara.
They usually eat on the slip.
They saw them on the terrace «a week ago».
Nobody responds to the bell.
The blinds are thrown.
The clothesline does not have clothes.
Another lady opens the door on the landing.
“They left three or four days ago.
She has nothing to do with the murder.
They usually go on vacation ».
Interrupt a friend in Bata.
“We do not talk about neighbors.
Go away”.