With the Regional Board of the PP of Madrid has returned to Gennova, expectation of the days of internal tension, as a prepandemic déjà vu.
In the number 13 chamfer, the rain threat has endured in extremis, to suit the climate of calm chicha of the party, but has downloaded just after the internal storm was consummated.

Upon arrival of Isabel Díaz Ayusus everything seemed aimed at a cold war between his related and the national leadership, but the president of the community has wanted to change the passage and has announced that “Accept” what the Paul married team decides on when
Celebrate Congress to choose the new leader of the autonomic PP device.

However, Accept does not mean to settle.
At its first party meeting after announcing that it will be presented to presiding over the PP of Madrid, Ayuso has assured that “it is good that Congress be celebrated soon, I hope it is celebrated as soon as possible,” because she needs that time to renew the leaderships
Municipal and put the match in the first time of greeting for the regional and local elections of 2023.

Ayuso has added a warning: “There are statutes that close when [Congresses] have to be held, because we all continue normally.”
The internal standards of the PP mark March as the deadline for the new President of the PP Madrid, but Genoa wants to do so in June.

Several leaders of the Board of Directors has supported the words of Ayuso, as Hope Aguirre, former President of the Community and PP of Madrid has reported.
And that has made the interim leaders of the regional apparatus have changed the step.
“The President [of the PP of Madrid, Pius García-Escudero] has said that as the interventions were in the same direction, he will move to the National Board or the Married President that the Feeling of the Board of Directors of Madrid is that the
Congress is convened as soon as possible, within the first half of 2022 “.

Sources close to Ayuso speak of a “overwhelming” majority of interventions in favor of the theses of Ayuso (nine in favor of pending Congress and four against), while other sources of the Regional Board ensure that there was division of opinions to the
After verifying the rarefied climate and the many voices contrary to the theses of Genoa, García-Escudero announced that he was going to transfer those opinions to the national leadership.

But Genoa “will not do anything,” they point out in the surroundings of the national spokesman, José Luis Martínez Almeida.
“We have some marked deadlines and we will not change them, which are the first semester.”
“Nothing has changed yesterday to today,” they add.
“We will fulfill the calendar, of course, as Ayuso has assumed in the intervention of it at the Regional Board.”
And when the Congress of Madrid is celebrated “will depend on the celebration of the pluriprovincial congresses,” keep, without detailed if they will keep their idea of doing it in June.

In the Ayuso environment, they have been more involved in favor of the president’s theses: Esperanza Aguirre, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, Paloma Martin (Environment Counselor), José Antonio Sánchez (Secretary of Territorial
PP in Madrid), Alfonso Serrano (spokesman for the PP in the Assembly), Pilar Marcos (National Deputy), Ana Millán (Mayor of Arroyomolinos), Daniel Rodriguez (Secretary of Economics of the PP of Madrid).

In the side of Genoa and Almeida, they assure that they have intervened in their favor the mayor’s own mayor, Ana Pérez (President of New Generations in the Community), Jose Luis Álvarez Ustarroz (mayor of Majadahonda), Loreto de Sordo (Councilman of the City of Madrid
) And Sergio López (director of the Madrid Institute of Research and Rural Development).

García-Escudero stopped the interventions (there were 20 word requests, the sources ensure).
But the news is the discordant voices with the thesis of the National Directorate.
So what has been produced is an offensive of the related to Ayuso to press Genoa towards an advance of the Congress of Madrid.
Aguirre has verbalized it in the first person: “What I said is that it has to be before March because both the Statutes and the Law of Parties mark that date.”

Then, it has been proposed to vote on the changes in four municipalities (Miraflores de la Sierra, Pedrezuela, Ribatejada and Torres de la Alameda), which in the end will not be managers.
In these towns there are only a total of 11 affiliates to the payment current and, therefore, with the right to vote at the Regional Congress.
No one has taken the floor or asked to vote.
The related to Ayuso have not been asked to vote on the position of advancing Congress.
This demonstrates, for sources of the regional apparatus, which “they know they have no majority”.

On the dates resides the dispute, which has been stressed so much that even some leaders plan a demand against the party if it fails to comply with the deadlines, as this newspaper said.
But Ayuso wanted to temper the controversy: “I am not to press anyone. It will be when you decide the game and I will accept it, because it is your thing, because I want us to leave joined.”

“My proposal is in favor, it is not against anyone,” has added, in a veiled reference to the Secretary General of the PP, Teodoro García Aegea, who has not been able to go to the Board of Directors (who was going to preside over) for personal reasons

The absence of the number two of married has appeased the criticisms of those who had mobilized against him, but not the key message of the related to Ayuso: they accuse Genoa of torpedorate the plans of the President and to guard the manager (actually a
Interim address) that pilots the party in Madrid.
Ayuso has settled at this point: “I am obliged to make us go strengthened from here and forced to convince whoever has discrepancies.”

The Baroness has revealed the scope of your plan: “I want to make a new, participatory party, so that those who voted on trains be part of this new stage.”
This means a background breaking with the work of the manager that pilots the PP of Madrid since 2018.

Asked by the sentence of the national audience that sentences former treasurer Luis Bárcenas and the PP for the black payment of the Headquarters, Ayuso has been very graphic: “I already have quite straight with my thing to go to other areas
; I am in the autonomic. ”

The former President of the Community and the PP of Madrid Esperanza Aguirre has demanded that there are no “more undue delay” and the Congress of the PP of Madrid is convened as soon as possible.
The “democratic functioning of the parties requires” that the congresses be done, she said.

On the part of Genoa, the singer voice has been taken by the Deputy Secretary of Communication, Pablo Montesinos, and the President of the Guarantee Committee, Andrea Levy.
The first has insured: “We have to row all together so that Paul married is sooner than late president of the government”.
And Levy has insisted on the idea: “The internal problems are totally sterile. They are not interested in the Spaniards. The most important thing is to remain exemplary and non-controversy.”

As guarantor of the statutes that is, Levy has added that the internal standards of the PP “will be fulfilled as always been fulfilled.”
This would mean that Congress would be held in March, but the national address of PP prefers June.
“We did not delay out what I inside is united,” he added.

Within the Meeting of the Regional Board, Ayuso has announced its decision to be submitted to preside over the PP of Madrid when the Congress is convened and “humbly” “support from all.
According to sources of the meeting, he has added that he does not intend “concentrations of power or hyper leadership”.
“I want everyone to feel represented.”

The President Madrileña has highlighted the tuning with the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and the good relationship between the two administrations that govern both.

Finally, Ayuso has shown its “total” support for the President of the PP, Pablo Married, “to obtain an extensive majority” in future general elections, especially in Madrid, which is its constituency.