United We can announce this Friday a working agreement with the PSOE aimed at eliminating any mention of the so-called “hot returns” in the next reform of the Organic Law of Citizen Security, known as Law Jardza, approved by the PP in 2015.

The agreement occurs after in the last hours both parties will unify positions at other points, such as ending penalties to those who organize manifestations and mobilizations not previously communicated to the corresponding public institutions.

However, at the last minute of this Thursday, from the United Confederal Group we can materialize that it was still “advancing” towards a “principle of agreement” with socialists on the issue of “hot returns”, one of the points
In which more discordance existed between government partners.

Thus, early on Friday, purple sources have confirmed the world that both parliamentary groups are working with the aim of “omitting any mention of immigration issues and borders in LASC, such subjects referring to foreign legislation,
Always according to those established in international agreements signed by Spain. ”

Since the PSOE has been avoided to specify more data.
The Socialist spokesman, Felipe Sicily, has been limited to express this Friday that both parties “are working on the process” parliamentary to “comply with the commitment” to derogate the jaming law, without specifying the points treated with unidas.

The work is framed, they count from the match captained by IONE Belarra, in a pact reached between both training to unify positions based on “the consensus reached in 2018 between the Socialist and United Canarian Parliamentary Group.”

Thus, United Can we achieve the approval of the majority partner in one of the issues that generated the most discrepancies on the Executive about the reform of the Citizen Security Law, whose project of modification, signed by the PNV, takes about a year
Encacked in the processing of amendments at the Table of the Congress of the Deputies.

Since the socialist sector, it was supported by the decision of the Constitutional Court, which ruled in November 2020 that border rejections are in accordance with the Constitution provided that they are carried out respecting full judicial control and compliance with international obligations.