It all depends on your situation. However, there are ways you can minimize the chance of getting infected this Halloween.

It could be that you are comfortable with your children trick or treating. This will depend on many factors, including the COVID-19 transmission rates in your area as well as whether the people your children are exposed to have been vaccinated.

However, trick-or-treating can be done outdoors, which makes it easier to keep a distance, says Emily SickbertBennett, an infectious diseases expert at the University of North Carolina. She suggests that neighbors coordinate to distribute trick-or-treating so children don’t crowd in front of their doors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outdoor activities are safer for holidays and should be avoided in crowded and poorly ventilated areas. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that anyone who isn’t currently vaccinated, including children, should wear a properly fitting mask to attend any party. This includes those who have not yet been vaccinated. Even fully vaccinated people should wear masks in areas where COVID-19 transmission rates are high.

Children can ring the doorbell and collect candy because the coronavirus spreads mostly through respiratory droplets. The risk of infection from surfaces and children is low. It’s a good idea to have hand sanitizer with you so that children can clean their hands before they eat treats.

Adults should always have a mask ready to hand when they open the door to give out candy.

Sickbert-Bennett states, “You won’t know until you open your door how many people there will be, whether they’ll wear masks, their age, and how good they’ll keep distance from you.”

If you are looking to be more cautious, consider setting up candy bowls far from your front doors.