Biden will travel to Rome first, then to Glasgow in Scotland. He will be asked to present concrete ideas to stop a pandemic and to boost economic growth. These stakes may seem high for two days attended by global elites and their entourages. It’s in the slogan of the Group of 20 meeting at Rome: “People Planet Prosperity”.

Before boarding Air Force One, Biden gave East Room remarks about his domestic agenda. He described the legislation as a choice between leading the world or letting it pass him by.

This was his promise to align U.S. diplomatic efforts with the interests the middle class. Any success at home has been tied to his efforts to convince Congress to support his social, environmental, tax, infrastructure, and tax policies. If the United States refuses to fully embrace his goals, it could make it harder for the world to agree to them. This is one of the risks associated with Biden’s decision to combine his domestic and international policies.

Biden had been urging House Democrats to support a $1.75 trillion “framework” that he believes can pass the 50-50 Senate. As some of the most important priorities, such as paid family leave and lower prescription drug prices, were removed from the bill, it remains to be seen how lawmakers will react. The bill will also be funded with higher taxes on the nation’s richest and corporations.

According to a source, Biden stated that “We are at an Inflection Point” to the lawmakers. “The rest of world wonders if we can function.”

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, invoked the trip to rally Democratic votes for the $1 trillion infrastructure package that she plans to bring to a vote on Thursday.

She stated that the Congress would like to give President Obama a vote of confidence when he gets off the plane. “To have success today, we must succeed.”

Biden’s visit abroad comes as he is facing a more pessimistic country at home and sour views about his economic management. A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that only 41% of Americans approve of Biden’s economic stewardship. This is a significant drop from 49% in August. It also marks a dramatic reversal from March when 60% of Americans approved.

Americans are divided on Biden in general, with 48% applauding and 51% disapproving his handling of the presidency. A mere third of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction. This is a substantial decline from earlier this year, when only half said so.

Biden’s decision not to closely link his domestic and international policies has had one consequence: both are now at the mercy West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, and Arizona Sen. Kyrsten sinema. Their votes are crucial in a Senate that is evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans. Biden’s aides hoped for, among others, a $500 billion investment in combating climate change in the United States. This would aid efforts to convince China and other countries to invest in renewable energy.

Biden stated Monday that it would be very, very beneficial to have it done before the trip.

As talks continued, officials from the administration began to downplay the importance of Biden’s spending plan that is still in limbo. Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, stressed that the president can still use the phones from Rome (the city that gave rise to the term “Senate”) and suggested that foreign leaders could see past ongoing back-room discussions with U.S lawmakers to assess Biden’s commitment.

Psaki stated that they don’t view it as if there are votes in one legislative body before he board an airplane.

The president will embark on a dangerous journey to secure a deal. He is accompanied by a specialist in prayer. Biden, the second Catholic president of the United States, will meet Pope Francis at Vatican on Friday in a meeting that is both personal and policy-oriented, especially in relation to climate change and dealing with autocracies.

Biden will also visit the Italian hosts at the G-20 summit, before he meets with President Emmanuel Macron. Biden wants to repair the rift that was created by the U.S.-K. agreement to supply nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. This supplanted a French contract.

Biden will also meet with Turkish President Recep TAYYIP Erdogan. He has backed down from threats to expel Western diplomats just days before and whose purchase Russian surface-to-air Missiles has hampered his country’s participation at the F-35 fighter programme.

Biden will likely address the Iranian nuclear threat at these and other meetings. He may also discuss Iran’s announcement next month that it might return to negotiations in Vienna.

He will also continue to push wealthier U.S. allies for increased commitments to sharing COVID-19 vaccinations with low- and middle-income nations. Some countries have not been able to fulfill their ambitious promises while others have remained on the sidelines. Biden will argue that vaccines cannot be made available to all people until the pandemic is over. Democracies must also ensure that there are no strings attached to Russian and Chinese vaccine diplomacy.

Biden will not have much interaction with these two American rivals. Xi Jinping from China and Vladimir Putin from Russia are only participating in summits virtually due to the pandemic threat. These two leaders are crucial for global climate issues in a time when energy prices are rising. China has pledged to increase coal mining before winter. Russia’s natural gas resources give it some political power over certain parts of Europe.

The president will not only be highlighting the personalities and policies of Biden’s visit, but will also be trying to promote democracy. He will argue that democracy’s essential elements — fair elections, representative government — are better than autocracies in bad times and good.

Biden will be leading a large U.S. delegation to Scotland for the climate summit on Sunday night. He hopes to highlight America’s plans to combat climate change. This is a stark reversal of former President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. form the Paris climate agreement.

Biden will deliver a major address on climate change, and attempt to regain the American leadership role. The cost of moving away from oil and other fossil-fuels is a major objection. However, the president has claimed that extreme weather caused by climate change is already a price.

In a Monday speech in New Jersey, the president pointed out that hurricanes, floods, and other disasters caused by climate change have already cost the United States $100 billion.

Biden stated that he was going to address the cause of the ever-increasing severity of extreme weather and destruction.