WISMICHU returned to the resistance on its delivery issued at dawn from October 25 to 26.
The ‘YouTuber’ came to the program to promote a charity campaign in which he participates and aims to raise funds for research against multiple sclerosis.

The Coruñés returned to space # 0 three years after an interview that was very commented by his unexpected final, who left David Broncano Patidifuso.
In October 2018 the young man left the set after taking a cup of the table, breaking it and screaming: “Live Ignatius!”.
The presenter commented at that time: “I liked everything until this, now I want to kill it.”

Before receiving the ‘Streamer’, Jorge Ponce reviewed the images of that day.
The collaborator indicated that the young man had “a little bailence of Pablo Motos in Tiktok”.
He also made fun of the face that had been left to the driver of the ‘Late Show’ before what happened: “You have a little Echenique.”

Wismichu revealed during his new visit to the program he had brought a couple of cups as a gift.
Before showing the first, she said: “I listened out there that you were going to burst.”
Broncano pointed to her table and warned him that he was ready to take revenge: “If you put it here, I break it.”

The Galician took out from his box a cup that he himself had done by hand.
The comedian stamped him against the ground as soon as he pick it up.
He was also willing to destroy the other, but he hesitated when the guest said he was from the Multiple Sclerosis Association Spain.

The humorist shared: “What do I do? I am at the top in the fight against multiple sclerosis, it is a terrible disease that must be investigated …”.
In the middle of him speech he threw the second cup against a wall.

The interviewee and the interviewer were surprised to get up and see that the object was still intact.
“He has broken the decor and he has stayed as if nothing … perhaps it symbolizes the strength of science and the fight against multiple sclerosis,” Broncano said.

The resistance presenter said he was grateful for everything that had happened during Wismichu’s previous visit.
He this commented: “Let’s get a little story, let’s leave it in that … I have anecdotes to give and take”.

The ‘YouTuber’ recalled that on one occasion, before the pandemic, I was in a disco and asked for a drink, but another person grabbed her, threw it to the ground and left screaming: “Live Ignatius!”
The guest said: “I took it with humor”.

Broncano raised Wismichu at the end of his interview: “Do you want to throw a cup well to finish undoing that bad drink from the past?”
He replied: “I prefer to go as such, is that I do not want to break anything.”
Those present in the theater in which the format is recorded began to rose: “Let it break it!”.

The comedian insisted and proposed him: “Do you want us to do a bit of communion with the public again? You break it and everyone screams ‘Viva Ignatius!’ That would be handsome.”
The young man agreed to do so, after which he left with another cup of souvenir and a great poster with the head of the resistance driver.