The wound is still open.
And she bleeds, despite the efforts to put bands.
The shock transcends and the positions faced among the vice presidenties Nadia Calviño and Yolanda Díaz and affects the Government president.
Pedro Sánchez Avala that Calviño took protagonism in the negotiations to reform the labor market, because it was he who gave the “order” that the negotiation transferred the borders of the Ministry of Labor, which until now capitalized the process.

The second vice president is not in accordance and stir with what he considers an “interference” and maintains the challenge: work, historically, has always led this matter and thus must continue to be, understand.
And he launches a clear challenge to the president of the Government: “This does not go who leads, but what we are going to do in the main reform of the labor market in our country”.

A location for the government’s president, once he has taken a match, exposes where he is willing to arrive.
May the PSOE “clarify”.
Because, to begin with, the PSOE talks about regulating a “new framework of labor relations”.
No one in the game or the socialist sector of the government uses the word derogate.
Term that reverses and repeats, we can, with Diaz to the head.

“There is a part of the government that continues to be discussed today”, was the dart, unusual in Diaz.
The Vice President is determined to give battle, bring the matter until the end, not only because it is a nuclear issue for her or united, but because of her personal involvement to take him out.

The movement of the Moncloa and the Vice Presidency of Economic Affairs has put in alert to United Can we.
They suspect that the PSOE is not determined to comply with the agreement in matters such as ultraactivity – limitations to the temporary sphere of the collective agreement – or the fact of situating as priorities the sectoral agreements compared to the company agreements.
And, above all, because at work they consider that Calviño despises the work of him saying, for example, that there have only been “preliminary contacts” with social agents.

The department who pilot Yolanda Díaz has been meeting from March 17 by meeting every Wednesday with the Social Agents-Reunions that coordinates the Secretary of State for Labor and Social Economy, Joaquín Pérez Rey – and thus will happen again on Wednesday, in an attempt
to show that nothing changes.

“The position of the government is unanimous and the commitment is unanimous with addressing a reform of the labor framework on the basis of social dialogue. Now the decisive phase begins to be able to have the reform adopted before the end of the year,” he insisted on Monday Calviño, who
He claimed that the government “has only one voice”.
And he recalled that she is the highest authority after Sánchez to coordinate and articulate the executive’s measures.

The PSOE ASEA A Díaz who wanted to capitalize alone this reform, while laws such as housing, who touched a socialist ministry, was done through coordinated work and in collaboration between partners.
“The PSOE wants to participate in this reform and the agreements that can be arriving from. I would miss, it is that that is a coalition government,” was the consensus on the PSOE Executive.

Another set of friction is the reach of consensus at the Social Dialogue Bureau to address this reform.
Díaz prioritizes the calendar, having the Labor Market Reform List in November to approve it before December 31.
List, with or without agreement with the CEOE.
A vision that does not share Calviño, and neither the Moncloa, who prioritize that there is agreement with the employer.
They do not want to repeat a break with the entrepreneurs as it was given with the rise of the minimum wage.

Pedro Sánchez made it clear this Monday, in this soterrated pulse that already pounds with Diaz directly -although both have not yet spoken directly-, that the changes will not be made without the CEOE.
“These changes will be made, as it is done in Europe, with social dialogue and consensus vocation,” he said in an act in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, where he seconded back to Calviño in this pulse.

The crisis is not the most important between both partners of government since the exit of Pablo Iglesias of the Executive, but from the formation of the coalition.
Wounds and distrust motivated a weekend of calls between partners to try to calm the waters.

Félix Bolaños, Minister of the Presidency, and Adriana Lastra, Vice-secretary General of the PSOE, were in contact with Díaz and Ione Belarra, Minister and Leader of We can.
Not between these four members, but some calls between socialist and purple members in recent days, as this newspaper has known, they have been uploaded, with thick words, because the shock for labor reform added the announcement of we can
A complaint against Meritxell Batet, president of Congress, after taking him away from Alberto Rodríguez.
This matter was deactivated, but the wound of labor reform still sutures.

And while the PSOE and we can live a crisis, Pablo Married entered into play this Monday to ensure that he will press in Brussels against the repeal of labor reform.
“We are going to reach the end in the European institutions.”