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The emergency meeting that the PSOE has celebrated this Monday afternoon and united we can, during some more time and a half, has not resolved the Division open within the Government as a result of the difference that both partners maintain regarding the reform
If the meeting of “constructive” is qualified from the socialist sector, from the purple sector, expectations are lowered and aim that there has been no progress in terms of labor market reform.

Gain time.
Both formations before the lack of encounter have decided that the best solution is not to delve into the crisis and buy time.
“We have placed ourselves to continue talking,” explain socialist sources, who speak of “good tone” despite the manifest disagreement.
To this emergency cabinet have not come and Yolanda Díaz nor Nadia Calviño.

“It will be necessary to continue negotiating given that at the moment there is no consensus on labor reform,” they oppose when consulted since the United Kingdom.

The Socialists came to the meeting with the mandate of Pedro Sánchez that the Ministry of Labor had to open the range of negotiation of labor market reform with social agents and incorporate as an interlocutor to the Vice Presidency of Economic Affairs of Nadia Calviño.
The Moncloa defends that it is a “all” government dialogue and that since now the first vice president was coordinated.

This position has been rejected, again, however we can.
The purple consider that vision as an “interference” to the work that the Department of Díaz has been doing since March 17.
They understand that this negotiation historically has always piloted the Ministry of Labor and that this must remain.
In addition, they remember that the second vice president has already consummated more than a dozen pacts in the framework of social dialogue, without the need to be touched by Calviño.

Thus, with these positions faced, the appointment arrived at “a delicate moment” for the government, as the Vice-Chairperson Yolanda Diaz described on Monday.

An important crisis, as not even in the hard confrontation that both coalition partners had in the elaboration of regulations such as the Trans Law or the Law of Housing approved on Tuesday, the Council of Ministers, and who was blocked one year
, the meeting of this board of parties responsible for the follow-up of the Coalition Agreement was demanded.
With labor reform, the purple did demand their celebration.
It is a nuclear issue for them, and they are not ready for the PSOE to capitalize, as it has given Sánchez order.

The meeting between the two government partners has been surrounded by secrecy.
There was no public call and the media did not leave the usual taking of images at the beginning of this type of meeting meetings.
No images were supplied.

At the meeting, the Vice-secretary General, Adriana Lastra were present, by the PSOE;
the spokesman of the Parliamentary Group, Héctor Gómez;
The Minister of Presidency, Relations with Cortes and Democratic Memory, Felix Bolaños;
and the Minister of Finance and Public Function.
María Jesús Montero.

As for the United States Delegation, I was composed by the General Secretary of We Can and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra;
the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero;
The spokesman at Congress, Pablo Echaneique;
Secretary of State for Agenda 2030 and leader of IU, Enrique Santiago;
The Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Labor, Josep Vendrell;
and the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy, Joaquín Pérez.