Detective Reid Russell was told by Reid Russell that Baldwin was practicing a scene in which he would draw his gun and sit in a pew in church to point it at him. Russell stated that he wasn’t sure if the weapon had been checked before being handed to Baldwin.

According to a search warrant, Russell said that Halyna Hutchins was dead because the camera wasn’t in motion when the gun went off.

Authorities confirmed that Dave Halls, the assistant director, handed the weapon to Baldwin, and declared it “cold gun,” meaning it was safe to use. Russell answered questions about Baldwin’s handling of firearms on set. He cited an example where Baldwin made sure that a child actor wasn’t near him while a gun was being fired.

Sunday’s affidavit also contains statements from Joel Souza, the director who was injured and stood behind Hutchins.

The video shows the chaos that occurred on the set of the shooting. It also details the moments leading up to it. Russell stated that several members of the camera crew left the set in dispute over lodging and payment. He was left with much to do. One camera was not available for shooting, and the shadow and light had caused it to have to be moved.

Souza stated that he was focusing on the camera’s view of the scene. He claimed that he remembered hearing the phrase “cold guns” before the shooting.

He stated that the scene they were filming did not require live rounds.

Souza described the gunshot sounding like a whip or loud pop.

A crew member who had worked on another project with Halls said that she raised safety concerns in 2019 about Halls.

Maggie Goll, a prop maker, and licensed pyrotechnician stated in a statement she had filed an internal complaint to Hulu’s executive producers in 2019 about Halls’ conduct on set. Goll stated in a telephone interview that Halls ignored safety protocols for weapons, pyrotechnics, and attempted to continue filming when the supervising photographer lost consciousness.

Halls has not responded to email and phone messages seeking comment.

Goll stated that the fatal shooting and other experiences highlight larger safety concerns that must be addressed. He also said that crew member safety was a top issue in recent contract negotiations between a union representing film and TV workers, and a major producer’s group.

“This is not about Dave Halls. She said that it was not Dave Halls’ fault. “It’s about safety on set, and what we want to accomplish with that culture.

Serge Svetnoy, the film’s chief electrician, posted an emotional Facebook message on Sunday blaming producers for Hutchins’ death. Svetnoy claimed he worked with Hutchins in multiple films and criticized “negligence” and “unprofessionalism” among the weapons handlers. He claimed that producers had hired an inexperienced armourer.

Hollywood professionals claim they are baffled by the situation and that production crews have stepped up safety precautions.

Jeffrey Wright, who worked on several projects such as the James Bond franchise or the upcoming movie “The Batman”, was on the set for “Westworld” on Thursday when the news of the shooting broke at a New Mexico ranch. “We were all quite shocked. He said that it was a major influence on what we did thereafter at the Newport Beach Film Festival.

Wright stated that he doesn’t recall ever being given a weapon that wasn’t cleared in front him. This meant that the barrel was open, and I had to see it. Light flashed inside the barrel, to verify that it’s clear. It was clearly a badly managed set.

Ray Liotta, actor, agreed with Wright about the extensive firearms checks.

Liotta stated that they always check the item so you can see it. “They give it the person you are pointing at, then they show it to the producer.

Southern California hosted a vigil on Sunday for Hutchins. There, attendees shared tearful hugs with speakers and demanded that safety standards be raised.

Baldwin, who is well-known for his roles on “30 Rock” (The Hunt for Red October) and his portrayal of former President Donald Trump (“Saturday Night Live”) has described the death as a “tragic incident.”