The flames of the fire within the government have lost some intensity during the weekend, but the fire remains.
Labor reform is a nuclear issue.
It’s, really, a friction point.
Two partners with different interests or approaches.
“It’s a delicate moment,” says Vice President Yolanda Díaz, hours before the follow-up table of the Coalition Agreement is gathered this afternoon – with labor reform as a central issue.
Although they try to appease the waters, the tension remains: “There is a part of the government that does not want to change the model of labor marking,” says Diaz.

The letter on Thursday night of the First Vice President Calviño where she was translated that she took command of the negotiation of the labor reform and the announcement of a complaint by the United States we can against Meritxell Batet, President of Congress, to withdraw the seat
, they were gasoline.
A weekend of calls between members to temper spirits and the finding that there will not be any complaint against Batet have fallen down the decibels, but the tension remains latent.

“There is a part of the government that continues to date today’s content” of labor reform, has been the message of Díaz to the socialist part of the government.
In the economic sector of the PSOE PSOE of the draft of Diaz’s negotiation with social agents and their predisposition to primate the calendar and not the Covenant, that is, to carry out the reform before December 31 with or without agreement with the CEOE –
As it happened with the climb of the minimum wage.
The PSOE wants agreement yes or yes with the CEOE.

Since the second vice president they explain that it is not a matter of leadership or “egos”, after what they consider an “interference” by Calviño or the support of Peter Sánchez to this one to coordinate the work.
They insist that it is a matter of “content” and that they are working since mid-March.
“It is not a question of who leads, but what we are going to do in the main reform of the labor market”, he has held Díaz, visiting this Monday in Galicia.

The struggle is clear between the positions of the PSOE and those of the United Can we can.
Hence, leaders of both formations are felt this afternoon to stage unity, because the field work is done in the back room, in the calls and exchanges of views of the last hours.
Diaz, furthermore, recalls the Socialists who signed in the Government Pact not only concerns the coalition partners, but is supported by the governance partners, those who give sustenance of the Executive – nationalist and minority forces of Congress-

The crux of the matter is the depth of the measures.
As far as it is reached, since both government partners admit that the repeal is as such about the reform is not viable, but dismantle the aspects they consider more harmful.

What does the PSOE-UNIDA Government Pact say can we?
“We will repeal the labor reform. We will recover the labor rights ranked by the 2012 ‘labor reform. We will promote in the framework of social dialogue the protection of working people and we will recover the role of collective agreements.”

Of course, he finishes the areas of action, not contemplating a complete demolition of the reform.
There is talk of modifying Article 42.1 of the Statute of Workers, repeal “the possibility of dismissal due to absenteeism caused by sick leave; repeal” the limitations to the temporary sphere of the collective agreement, making it beyond the forecasts contained in it,
After the completion of its validity and until the negotiation of a new one “; or repeal” the application priority of the company agreements on sectoral agreements. ”

What does Spain’s commitment say with Brussels referring to European funds, the so-called Component 23?
“The Spanish labor market for decades have been important imbalances that aggravate economic cycles for decades, do productivity increases, increase precariousness and deepen social, territorial and gender gaps. In order to promote inclusive and sustainable growth from the point.
of an economic and social view and guaranteeing legal security, a balanced and coherent package of reforms that reduce structural unemployment and juvenile unemployment should be addressed through social dialogue, reducing timing and correcting the duality of the labor market, increase the
Investment in human capital, modernize collective bargaining instruments and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of public employment policies. ”
And a series of reforms are detailed.

With this scenario, the Government Coalition is in?
All government sources consulted indicate that no.
“Blood will not reach the river.”