The sixth night he tried on his delivery of Saturday, October 23, the last hour of the eruption of the volcano in La Palma.
José Yélamo recalled that the inhabitants of the island have been sharing tough testimonies five weeks and talked about how the situation was affecting them at the mental level.
César Carballo made a proposal to alleviate the psychological damage that the neighbors suffer.

The Urgenciologist shared in the program that is registering more income from anxiety, panic attacks and severe psychiatric pathologies than for respiratory problems.
In addition, he highlighted the constant roar of the volcano “for 24 hours, five weeks, accompanied by tremors.”

The doctor commented that he had spoken with the mayor of La Palma and had suggested that the palm trees travel to disconnect from what they are living: “We proposed a solution so that they can leave a week to enjoy Madrid, for example … I would solve
, or at least it would be paid, many of the psychological effects. You have to see the casualties for depression and anxiety that is being on the island. ”

The idea of the doctor received certain criticisms on social networks.
“Dr. Carballo invited the palm trees to live in Madrid, one of the most contaminated cities in Europe, and selling the book of Him. You have to laugh,” a user wrote on Twitter.

The next day he defended himself and explained in a tuit: “It is not exactly a solution, it is a measure that would help them to assimilate the tremendous stick of having lost their home and lived for five weeks with tremors of land and a constant roar (
And what they have left…)”.

César Carballo also spoke about the pandemic on the sixth night.
The Tertullian commented on the fact that in the Community of Madrid the mask will no longer be mandatory in certain circumstances as of Monday, October 25: “It may be reasonable, but leaving it aside, we return to commit the same mistakes. Each autonomous community goes
To his ball, he does what he wants. ”

In addition, he put the focus on the indicators that had been taken into account to make such a decision: “I would have liked that they would have been based on the data of the wastewater from the schools of Madrid. They have two weeks going up.”

The doctor said he was totally agreed with Carolina Darias, Minister of Health: “Let’s go once in my hand … Let’s go all of the hand like a country and not like 17 kingdoms of Taifas.”