“I beg all Russians to get vaccinated,” said the resident from Nizhny Novgorod (the country’s fifth largest city).

Shigalturina stated that her 83-year old grandmother died right away after she caught it. She wasn’t vaccinated.

Russia was the first country to develop a coronavirus vaccine last year, and it was celebrated as a matter national pride and a demonstration of its scientific knowledge. Only a third of Russia’s 146million people have been fully vaccinated since December 2020 when the free vaccination program was launched.

Low vaccine acceptance is of growing concern as Russia experiences a sharp increase in cases setting new records for deaths and infections almost every day this month. The national coronavirus taskforce reported Friday 1,064 deaths and 37,000 new infections in the last 24 hours. This is another high-profile pandemic.

Vladimir Putin admitted that he didn’t know what was going on, which is a rare admission from the strong leader. “We have a reliable, efficient vaccine. This vaccine reduces the risk of serious complications, death, and illness.

The Infectious Hospital No. 23 in Nizhny Novgorod. 23. Dr. Natalia Soloshenko, where seriously ill patients are confined to wards that have very little space between them beds, is battered by this onslaught.

According to The Associated Press, “I can assure you that only one or two out of 50 patients admitted are vaccinated.” “The entire ICU is filled with critically ill patients. All of them are not vaccinated.”

She said, “To be completely honest, we aren’t even outraged anymore; instead, we feel sorry for those people.”

Nina Pugacheva remains in hospital but is one lucky person — she is currently recovering.

She said, “Tell everyone you know to get vaccinated.”

Soloshenko stated that widespread misinformation seems to be the driving force behind vaccine hesitancy.

“It’s a sensitive topic, and a burning issue to all health care workers. She said that she reads the social media posts and finds the most harmful information about vaccinations from citizens.

Because of distrust in Soviet-era authorities, many Russians are skeptical of vaccines. There was concern about Sputnik V because it was approved before full clinical trials were completed.