Fed up that large social networks censure the photos of their paintings or sculptures with naked protagonists, Vienna museums have decided to cut down and open an account in Onlyfans, a famous social network by huge amounts of sexual content more or less
Explicit that users can access in exchange for subscription payment.

A fretazgo that arrives after Facebook, Instagram or Tiktokhayan eliminated publications repeatedly from the great museums of the Austrian capital when considering its moderation algorithms that violated the rules of these social networks, despite being art images of recognized prestige

Specifically, the main affected are Leopold Museum, the Vienna Art History Museum, the Natural History Museum of Vienna and Albertina, who have decided to end up with the censorship of these social networks and opt for another that allows them to offer them
Its content virtually.

In exchange for a payment of three euros, those who hire this service will receive a Vienna City Card (which allows us to use public transport from the city for free) or free entry to museums that have been part of this initiative.

These institutions are included in a statement present on the tourist website of the city, where the reason was explained by which they have stopped sharing this type of content in social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.

“Vienna has been home to some of the most famous artists in the world, including Egon Schiele and Koloman Moser […] not surprising to know that some of his works of art fell into conflict with the censors more than 100 years ago”,
It is exposed at the beginning of the text.

In this portal it is aimed at the fact that the main channels of diffusion of these museums, which have thousands of followers in their different profiles, want to have a certain margin with the artistic content in which they are naked.

“Vienna and its art institutions are among the victims of this new wave of Mojigattery, with naked statues and famous works of art included in the blacklist according to the patterns of social networks”, it is indicated in the text.
In this it is affirmed that some of the accounts that have recurred in these infractions have been suspended.

For this reason, they have transferred these explicit works to Onlyfans, which allows disseminating content for adults.
In this way, it is already possible to know the Tables of Egon Schiele, Richard Gerstl or Koloman Moser through this platform.