The Amancio Ortega Foundation has donated a total of 280 million euros to the Ministry of Health for the Purchase of Ten Protonenterapy Teams, one of the most advanced techniques for the treatment of cancer because it is particularly effective with tumors of difficult access or localization
In sensitive places, thus shortening the times and avoiding much of the side effects of other techniques.

However, the start-up of the machines is quite more complex than tightening a power button, to the point that the bureaucratic obstacles still have blocked other similar donations that the foundation did in the past.

The National Hearing has warned that “the dissolution of the band does not involve the disappearance of sorrows” in their writings, it is denounced the false repentance of the prisoners of ETA in its letters sent to the Ministry of the Interior and serve as
Open to penitentiary improvements.
The demand for forgiveness is uniform in the doctrine of the criminal room of the national audience and the letters do not conform to their criteria.

Philosophy teachers have put on the war against the government to remove the subject of the curriculum of ESO, which means that students will spend all compulsory education without studying this matter.
“Pedro Sánchez has lacked to the word of him,” denounce the teachers, “because he promised to defend this discipline and has not done it.”
There is even a commitment signed in Congress by all the parties that “has been breached” and that generates discrepancies among socialists and we can.

The Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero maintained negotiations with ETA, of which the PP was up to date.
High leaders of the PP reflected this information in a series of internal uses that they made up during these negotiations.
The world has had access to them exclusively.

They extracted that one of the concerns of the Socialist Leaders was to manage the situation of the historic Etarra Iñaki de Juana Chaos, convicted for his participation in 25 murders at almost 3,000 years in prison.
According to these documents, for the PSOE he was “the most active prisoner defending peace”

Arnaldo Otegi, the leader of Eh Bildu, confessed last Monday at the School of Armory of Eibar that he has in mind the release of the 177 prisoners of ETA in Spain and that he needs Pedro Sánchez to continue in the Moncloa to promote a change
In the criminal chopper that opens the doors of prisons.

The “mother of all battles” for the former member of the band and leader of the illegal beatle is to shorten the penalties of around 80 terrorists who were sentenced to 40 years of compliance after the legal reform driven by the Government of José María
Aznar in 2003.

Russia has reported some cases of COVID-19 infection with unanueva variant of the coronavirus that is believed to be even more contagious than that of the Delta, the news agency RIA said on Thursday.

It is possible that the variant Ay.4.2 extends widely, Ria said, citing the main investigator of the state consumer control body, Kamil Khafizov.
This could cause the rate of new cases of Covid-19, which is already at historical highs in Russia, increase even more.

The Special Volcanic Risk Protection Plan (pevolca) has ordered tonight the evacuation of half a hundred homes in the municipalities of the Plains of Aridanne and Tazacorte before the progress of the laundry that for days approaches the coast.

According to the 112 of the Canary Islands through his Twitter account, they must leave their homes the neighbors of the neighborhoods of the Matelas (Los Llanos de Aridane) and Marina Alta, Marina Low, Cuesta Zapata and La Countess.