Inditex will charge for its bags in Spain as of Monday, a measure that is already implemented in Germany and that it will be progressively extended to the rest of the countries in which it is present, according to Europe Press in sources of the textile group.

Specifically, the company founded by Amancio Ortega will launch this measure in all its chains in Spain with the collection of 10 cents per bag and 20 cents on, with the exception of the large bags of Lefties, which will cost 15 cents, and the
of Massimo Dutti, with a price of 35 cents.

Inditex, which will also apply this initiative next week in the stores of Austria and Belgium, frame this decision in its advance on sustainability, after eliminating plastic bags last year and replaced by other recycled paper.

The same sources have specified that this measure, which progresses this Friday the newspaper ‘expansion’, does not respond to a reduction in costs, since the collection obtained by the collection of the bags will be intended entirely to environmental projects.