Isabel II has expressed its frustration for the lack of action of political leaders before the climate crisis.
“It’s really irritating when they talk but they do not do anything,” the Queen confessed during her visit to Cardiff, in a protocol ceremony of the Wales Assembly (Senedd).

The comments of the monarch, captured by a microphone in a brief exchange with the President of Senedd Elin Jones, were beyond and referred to the imminent summit of COP26 climate that is celebrated in two weeks: “It’s extraordinary, right? All
What we have been hearing from the COP and we still do not know who comes, I have no idea. We only know people who do not come “.

The Queen anticipated a few hours to the news about the possible absence of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
According to the Times, Boris Johnson has received official communication that Jinping will not attend the Glasgow Summit, which can seriously compromise the result of COP26.
China, the world’s largest CO2 issuer, has not even remitted its plan of “particular contributions at the national level (NDC)”.

Only half of the G20 countries have presented their plans at this point.
Another of the possible absences in Glasgow can be, in fact, the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, Strait ally of Boris Johnson but notable skeptic of climate change.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not confirmed the attendance of him either.

US President Joe Biden has anticipated, however, “and playing the bells”.
The special envoy of it for the climate, John Kerry, has arrested the shoulder on the final stretch, but has recognized in advance that “some countries does not yet have the energy mix” that allows them to cut coal and oil emissions

The absence of XI Jinping, in contrast to its presence in the Paris Agreement of 2015, can give the fret with the main objective of the Summit: the commitment to keep the objective of a maximum global temperature warming of 1,5
That goal will be impossible without the boost of China, which contributes to 27% of the emissions and that has announced its intention to continue building carbon thermal power plants within its territory (despite stop investing in similar projects in other countries).

The “irritation” of the Queen, who plans to attend COP26 at the beginning of November, reaches a few days after Prince Charles’ statements, admitting that Greta Thunberg’s “frustration” understands and demonstrators
of the weather.
Carlos echoed the recent comments of the Swedish activist, criticizing the “blah, blah, blah” of politicians before the climate crisis.

Prince William, who sponsors these days the EarthShot Award of “Environmental Solutions” for the next generations, has extended criticism to millionaires such as Jeff Benzos for his spatial adventures: “It does not make any sense to travel to space when what we have to do is
save the Earth”.