The Russian Soyuz MS-18 ship today brought back to the Earth from the International Space Station (EEI) to the First Spatial Film Expedition, composed of Actress Yulia Peresild and the filmmaker Klim Shipenko, and the cosmonaut Oleg Novitski.

The descent capsule was shot at 04.35 GMT without any setback in the scheduled area of the Steppe Kazakh, landing that was broadcast live by Roscos, the Russian Space Agency.

His crew were greeted by the director of Roscomos, Dmitri Rogozin, who stressed that the landing was carried out outstandingly.

“We are happy that they are well (…). Everything went to perfection,” said the official, who rated the maneuver with a “5”, the maximum school note in Russia.

The first to be evacuated from the capsule was novitski, his commander.
Then Shipenko came out, which in the first statements of him to the press said that “takeoff and landing are impressive sensations.”

Peresild was the last one to leave.
She smiling, assisted by the doctors, she pointed out that she looked little as she was on the orbital platform.

“All right, everything was perfect, Oleg (Novitski) is a professional and he does not feel fear,” said the actress.

Together with Shipenko, he remained 12 days in the EEI, where he rolled a large part of the feature film sequences the challenge, a joint production of roscos, the first channel of Federal Television and the Yellow, Black and White study.

The plot of the film revolves around a surgeon, embodied by Peresild, who flies emergency to space after a brief period of training to attend a cosmonaut, paper that interprets novitski.

According to the project, the material rolled in the space will be used to produce about one third of the film, 35-40 minutes, while the rest of the sequences will be filmed on the ground.

“What is filmed in space can not be shot in any study,” said Shipenko, which encrypted 30 Terabytes the volume of the film material recorded in the EEI and during round trip flights.

Novitski participates in the film, which fulfilled a mission of just over six months aboard the orbital platform.

“The first two days (Novitski) tried to contain the smile at the camera, on the third day he began to get used to and the fifth was already a professional,” said the director of the first channel, Konstantín Ernst.

The cost of the cinematographic project has not been revealed, but some specialists estimate that only the preparation of Peresild and Shipenko and its flight to the EFE pose an investment of about 35 million dollars.

The director of Roscosmos has been convinced that the film will be a box office success, although it pointed out that the most important thing will be the impulse that will give space tourism.

“I already have several requests from potential spatial tourists,” said Rogozin, which stressed that these contracts “will grow up” the expenses in film production, which has generated criticism among professional comonauts.

Last June, the only cosmonaut at the Roscos headquarters, Sergey Krikaliov, which had been contrary to the film project, was removed from his position as head of pilot programs.

Days later, Krikaliov, one of the legends of the cosmonautica, was restored, but since then it has not been talking about the subject again.

“In the Soyuz MS-19 (which led to the cinematographic expedition to the EEI) had to have flown three cosmonauts,” said the director of the Space Policy Institute, Ivan Moiséyev.

According to the expert, “the challenge” is a propaganda project that has altered the cosmonaut calendar – which sometimes have to wait years to travel to space – as well as the missions in the EEI.

The trip of the filming team to the Orbital Platform has delayed the Rano Russian Cosmonaut Russian Russian and the NASA Mark Vande Hei astronaut, which indicated on the ground in the Soyuz MS-18.

Along with them, the Russian Anton Shkaplerov, the Americans Megan McCarthur and Shane Kimbrough, the French Thomas Pesquet and Japanese Akihiko Hoshide remain.