The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has committed this Sunday that before the end of the year 90% of the population over 12 years old is vaccinated in Spain.

Sánchez has set that goal in his closing intervention of the 40 Federal PSOE Congress that has been held in Valencia.

The Chief of the Executive has begun his speech referring to the hard situation experienced by Spain and all over the world before the pandemic of Coronavirus.

But appealing to the motto of Congress, “We advance,” has stressed that Spain has advanced to overcome the pandemic and, according to international classifications, occupies the second place among safe countries against Covid-19 and leads the percentage of vaccinated population in Spain.

“We fulfilled the agoreros 70% of vaccinates before the summer will end and we will fulfill before this year ends 90% of the population over 12 years vaccinated,” he said.

After getting 70% vaccinated, Sánchez presided over an act in Guadalajara on September 2, in which the 90% goal was fixed but did not put a temporary period to achieve it.

This Sunday has specified that this 90% of vaccinates over 12 years old expects it to be a reality before the end of the year.