Álex Saab, who already carries the orange attire that characterizes certain prisoners in the United States, has appeared on Monday for the first time before the court judge of the Southern District of Florida.
The false diplomat has done it telematically since jail (it is quarantined), knowing that his life of luxuries has changed for a long time, despite the millionaire law of lawyers who defend him, with the former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón
to the head.

An express presentation, in which Saab has not intervened but where he has left an image for the history of Chavismo: handcuffed, with the mane that has been growing in Cape Verde, moving his legs nervously and subjected to justice in the US
, Something impossible in today’s Venezuela.

The audience will continue in November, but previously the Department of Justice has specified this Monday what was the money laundering scheme used by the Testaferro de Nicolás Maduro and the main financial international operator of Chavism to enrich himself.
The first imputation against Saab was carried out more than two years ago, accused of seven money laundering fees and one of conspiracy, after being discovered the transfer of 350 million dollars, obtained with bribes, between banking accounts from the US and Venezuela.

The Colombian magnate obtained its first benefits with the construction of social housing and, above all, with corruptelas around the exchange control imposed by Hugo Chávez: they obtained dollars at irrisory prices in Bolívares, the system that enriched hundreds of revolutionaries and their partners
or friends.
To the dessert, the main embezzlement in the shadow of Bolivarian revolution and one of the greatest of the history of humanity.
Both Parliament and different independent investigations, in addition to the allegations of two vice-presidents of the “Supreme Commander,” calculate that they have been stolen between 350,000 and 500,000 million dollars during the 21 years of Chavismo.

The revolution has made it very clear that Saab is a key piece.
The reprisals of him have lying, at the moment, negotiations with the opposition in Mexico, as well as returning to jail the managers of the Petróleos Filial of Venezuela with US passport.

Mature’s express support on Sunday night, something he had avoided so far, confirmed to what extent extradition is a drama for the revolution and for his own leader.
“They took him to a Cochina prison, unhealthy, and put him under the darkness in a hole full of excrement, rats, like the worst film of terror, and members of the US government tortured it for long days, at blows,
They left three wheels, they put electricity for days and days, “he said about the Odyssey of Saab in Cape Verde.

So dark sees mature the panorama that put his friend in the hands of God, he even read a verse of Jeremiah, from the Old Testament, in which the freedom of the oppressed opposite the oppressor “so that my anger does not come out as fire and
It turns on and there is no one who pays it for the evil of your works. ”

“They wanted to force him to lie and convert him into a monster,” theateralized on the verge of the rude cry, who at the moment he hopes that Saab does not confess his crimes and discover the darkest businesses of the Revolution.
At least that is what the prisoner assured through a letter addressed to his wife, the Italian model Camilla Fabri, who traveled with his children from Moscow to Caracas to participate in a demonstration in favor of her husband who was a new failure of

“Fully responsible for the US government and extremist opposition for my integrity and my life to the prison that they take me. I will face the judgment with total dignity and asserted my diplomatic immunity. I do not think to be to favor the US against whoever crosses a
Inhuman blockade (Venezuela), “read the young woman, between tears, the supposed words of her husband, with the support of a few applause and screams of” will not come back “.

Precisely the host country of the Saab family denounced the “kidnapping” of the tycoon through a note from the Russian ambassador in Caracas, Sergei Melik-Bagdásarov, who made his “energetic and rotunda protest” public.

The chavista offensive has also caused the temporary suspension of dialogues in Mexico.
There is no date for them to resume, not even the assurance that this will happen, although observers and opponents estimate that Chavism will return to the table because it still maintains certain interests by specifying.

It also thinks it, Norway, the facilitating country, which will continue working with the parties to resume the dialogues “as soon as possible”.

Revolutionary reprisals maintain the opponent leaders in Venezuela on alert, especially the circle surrounding the president in charge, Juan Guidó.
Fear is that the regime will continue with its offensive to make Saab and the circle of him who do not abandon himself at his judicial process.

“Maturo mafia retaliations, 21st century socialism desperate by the secrets of a Colombian businessman,” Fustigó José Miguel Vivanco, director for the Americas of Human Rights Watch (HRW).