Spain continues to lower its incidence, although increasingly slower.
The indicator has fallen as little more than one point and a half, up to 52.51 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (25 points and a half of the new normality, which are 25 according to the so-called ‘semaphore document’), and the marker A
Seven days stands at 21.75 after going down something less than two points on the last day.

On the other hand, healing has notified 1,801 new infections in the last 24 hours (almost 500 less than those that were reported seven days ago).
However, today a rise in mortality has been recorded: on the last day, 94 new deaths have been reported, 30 more than yesterday and 34 more than last Tuesday.
Thus, Spain already reaches 86,621 official deceased by Coronavirus.

By ages, children under 11 years old, unique without vaccining, continue leading the transmission.
Its ISA is 91.62 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure much higher than that of the next age group in incidence, between 30 and 39 years (56.56).

By autonomies, the most affected are Melilla (112.55 of IA), Cantabria (84.23), Ceuta (79.57) and Aragon (79,21), although all transmission have decreased in the last week.
On the other hand, Asturias maintains the most positive incidence data in the country (15.51), followed by Galicia (21.95), Castilla y León (34.45) and Andalusia (40.68).

The pressure in hospitals regarding patients in plant, today experiences a small rebound, 1.95% of yesterday to 2.06% of today.
This Tuesday are entered by Coronavirus in national territory 2,509 people, 145 more than Monday.
However, in the intensive care units (UCI) the trend is contrary: in them the occupation descends up to 6.61%, with 33 serious illnesses less than yesterday (a total of 604).

Communities with the most saturated ICU are still Madrid (13.01%), Basque Country (10.31%), Catalonia (10.21%) and Balearic Islands (8.81%).
On the opposite side, the most relaxed are Ceuta and Melilla, without Covid patients in a serious state, Galicia (1.47%), Murcia (1.94%) and Asturias (2.1%).
But we must always remember that these figures only correspond to the occupation of beds by patients Covid.
To calculate the total occupation, those patients who are entered by other pathologies and surgeries must be addressed.

In Europe, United Kingdom (705,1), Romania (571.8) and Turkey (476.8) are countries with the highest.
The best countries are Poland (34,9), Spain (52,51) Czech Republic (73.5), and Italy (74.8).